ES_1: Via Saluzzo (Zona Appio-Tuscolano) - Carrubba_Saccucci
Following we are going to present our shadow study:
A short tutorial in 3 simple steps :
- 1Basic
- 2Solid
- 3Shadows
1 Basic
- New Metric
Open Vasari>Projects>New Metric
- Project Units
Manage>Project Units>Lenght>Change mm to m
- Set Location
Analyze>Project Address>Import Site Image>Import
2 Solid
- Model
Create Mass>start drawing>Create Form>Solid Form>Finish Mass
3 Shadows
- Sun Settings
Sun Path Off>Sun Settings>ModifyDate and Time>Change Sun Path On
- Shadows Setting
Shadows Off>Shadow On
10 am
At 10 am we can see how the shadow, created by the building on the right, covers almost completely both the façade (south-west/south-east) of the building on the left.
12 am
Taking simple volumes, we can see how at 12am the building on the right doesn’t shade in a great way the building on the left, leaving for the most part the south-west façade unshaded which problem is solved in part by the presence of balconies .
2 pm
We can see how at 2pm the building on the right doesn’t shade at all the building on the left, leaving completely unshaded both the façades, the south-west one and the south-east one.
In the picture we can see that the presence of balconies at 2 pm is the only shadow source.
4 pm
We can see how at 4pm the building on the right doesn’t have a function in shading the building on the left. The sun’s rays radiate directly the south-west façade, while the south-east façade is shaded by the building itself.
In the picture we can see that the presence of balconies at 4 pm is irrelevant in shading the south-west façade.
Considering not only the single facades, but also the function inside the respective ones, in fact, on the south-west façade there are living rooms; on the south-est façade the are bed rooms, as it should be.
Bedrooms should enjoy the morning light, while living rooms should enjoy the evening light.
In this case, considering the 4 time band ( 10 am/12am/2pm/4pm) we can see, that the south-est facade can’t receive the morning light (10am-12am) because of the building on the right. It is completely sunny at 2 pm, part of the day in which it isn’t lived. Fact that isn’t positive and usefull at all.
Contrarily the south-west façade has a positive remark, it is sunny during the afternoon slot, part of the day in which it is lived.
Manuel Andrè Bo...
Lun, 30/03/2015 - 18:17
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Mar, 31/03/2015 - 21:40
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Nicola Moscheni
Mar, 07/04/2015 - 11:39
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C'è sempre tempo!
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