ES_1: Via Saluzzo (Zona Appio-Tuscolano) - Carrubba_Saccucci

  • Posted on: 23 March 2015
  • By: Carrubba_Saccucci


Following we are going to present our shadow study:

A short tutorial in 3 simple steps :

- 1Basic

- 2Solid

- 3Shadows


1 Basic

       - New Metric

         Open Vasari>Projects>New Metric

      - Project Units

         Manage>Project Units>Lenght>Change mm to m

      - Set Location

         Analyze>Project Address>Import Site Image>Import


2 Solid

       - Model

         Create Mass>start drawing>Create Form>Solid Form>Finish Mass


3 Shadows

       - Sun Settings

         Sun Path Off>Sun Settings>ModifyDate and Time>Change Sun Path On

      - Shadows Setting

         Shadows Off>Shadow On




10 am

h10Axo.JPG10 am solo foto .png

At 10 am we can see how the shadow, created by the building on the right, covers almost completely both the façade (south-west/south-east) of the building on the left.



12 am

h12axo.JPG12 am solo foto.png

Taking simple volumes, we can see  how at 12am the building on the right doesn’t shade in a great way the building on the left, leaving for the most part the south-west façade unshaded which problem is solved in part by the presence of balconies . 

2 pm


2pm solo foto .png

We can see  how at 2pm the building on the right doesn’t shade  at all the building on the left, leaving completely unshaded both the façades,  the south-west one and the south-east one. 
In the picture we can see that the presence of balconies  at 2 pm is the only shadow source. 

4 pm

h16Axo.JPG4pm solo foto .png

We can see  how at 4pm the building on the right doesn’t have a function in shading the building on the left. The sun’s rays radiate directly the south-west   façade,  while the south-east façade is shaded by the building itself.
In the picture we can see that the presence of balconies at 4 pm is irrelevant in shading the south-west façade.


Considering not only the single facades, but also the function inside the respective ones, in fact, on the south-west façade there are living rooms; on the south-est façade the are bed rooms, as it should be.

Bedrooms should enjoy the morning light, while living rooms should enjoy the evening light. 

In this case, considering the 4 time band ( 10 am/12am/2pm/4pm) we can see, that the south-est facade can’t receive the morning light (10am-12am) because of the building on the right. It is completely sunny at 2 pm, part of the day in which it isn’t lived. Fact that isn’t positive and usefull at all.

Contrarily the south-west façade has a positive remark, it is sunny during the afternoon slot, part of the day in which it is lived. 

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Lunedì, 23 Marzo, 2015 - 23:01


Ritratto di Manuel Andrè Bottiglieri

ragazzi è "importantissimo" che in un post ci siano i testi scritti, consideriamo insufficiente un contenuto realizzato con immagini di testi.

In un contesto di coondivisione è essenziale un testo scritto per essere indicizzato nei motori di ricerca ma soprattutto per poter esser preso in esame e valutato in aspetto futuri

Ritratto di Carrubba_Saccucci

Abbiamo due dubbi:

come prima cosa non abbiamo ricevute nessuna notifica riguardo al commento, è normale?

scondo poi non abbiamo capito se la nostra consegna è stata valutata insufficiente o se la possiamo modificare ai fini della valutazione.

Ritratto di Nicola Moscheni

Si è normale non abbiate ricevuto una notifica! Allenatevi a navigare all'interno di questa community per sport e non "a chiamata". Il vostro post, come quelli degli altri possono essere utili a tutti!

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