We choose to work on two buildings iin Via di Trastevere, near from our project site.
Step 1: Opening and Setting / Start Vasari / On the Homepage "New Metric"
We open an empty space with metric system units.
Step 2: Setting a Location / Analyse -> Location -> entrer the adress.
Importation of the image of the site. Be careful to import the image on the ground level.
Step 3: Drawing the plan for modeling the globale shape of our buildings
Model / Create mass / Draw it with the exact width, height and depth / Finish mass
Step 4: Set Solar Analysis
Activation of "Sun Path On" and "Shadows On" buttons.
Definition of the date and timeperiod of our analysis.
Step 5: Differents Sun Settings
1/ Winter solstice at 08:00
2/ Winter solstice at 11:00
3/ Summer solstice at 08:00
4/ Summer solstice at 11:00
5/ At the same moment of the picture : Saturday 21rst of March, 08:00
6/ At the same moment of the picture : Saturday 21rst of March, 11:00
Finally we can observe the efficiency of the software to draw the shadows of buildings and on the buildings and their impact on the others buildings next to them. It could be useful for anticipate the height or the shape of our project and the shadows than draws on other buildings, for exemple, to give the same quantity and quality of natural light for every habitation.