create architectonical elements of the facade
> re-use the precedent model
> create void volumes to generate the shape of the facade
> design the balconies as solid volumes and copy them
> design the windows as solid voids and copy them
solar analysis
> set sun settings (in our case on the 23 march 8:00 / 12:00 / 16:00 related to the first analysis)
> in the sun setting, create a new style, name it "Color style" with the minimum in blue and the maximun in red.
> set sun setting with equinox to have a general view on the year
> set solar analysis settings (cumulative & kWh/m2)
> in the sun seting, create a secont style, name it "Numeric Style" to obtain values
Step 1 : Building the architectonical elements on the studied facade, via Leopoldo Travesi, Garbatella
Step 2 : Extracting diagrams : Solar analysis
For this second exercise, we have put architectonical elements that cause interference on the solar impact on the building. The facade is composed by balconies and loggias which create shadows and bring fresh air in appartments. On diagrams we can see areas which are for a major part of the facade protected from the sun. In comparison to the first exercise it is obvious that architectonical elements on the facade participate strongly to the conception of the building.
Indeed, in our case, the facade is very much caracterized by the presence of numerous balconies. This presence isn't a hasard, in fact it brings a thermal regulation, specifically on the upper floors who are almost always exposed to solar radiations (as we can see on the diagrams below), whereas for the downer floors, the presence of the balconies serves a use purpose for the inhabitants (the downer floors aren't as exposed as the upper ones, also because of the context and the proximity of the other buildings around). We can conclude that the presence of this architectonical elements serves an architectonical and also thermical purpose, offering sunlight but also colder spaces.
Another element that we can add is the fact that the facade isn't straight, but is also caracterized by back off parts, creating also colder thermical conditions. In fact, every architectonical element has a role on the facade, beyond the only aspect of their use ; they bring light, they colder spaces, they regulate thermal conditions etc.
Year comparison
Step 3: Zoom and analysis on windows.
Now we are looking at the the sun impact at a little scale.
Exemple of our work in progress for one window, with two different times. We can conclude on the impact of the sun on the facade but also on the role a window can play on the thermal conditions of an appartment for example.
Due to the previous solar diagrams we extracted, without taking count of the presence of windows, we saw how much the sun can have an impact on the building (upper floors). Now that we consider the presence of multiple windows ( which is also a caracteristic of this typology of building), it comes clear that the role of these glass superficies is crucial and fondamental in the regulation of the thermal conditions in the appartment.
Extract of our work in progress : a window in the upper floors.
Step 4 : Zoom and analysis on windows : general analysis of the building facade
By zooming on one glass element of the facade we could conclude on it's role, just for on appartment. Let's see what happens for the entire facade of our study :
> defining referential times of the year to initiate the analysis
> defining the colour gradiation and display styles of the analysis
Results :
Spring analysis
Summer analysis
Fall analysis
Winter analysis
Creation of the dot style display analysis
Dots analisis on the south facade
In conclusion, we confirm that higher floors are more exposed to direct sunlight, and are more susceptible to encounter thermal problems ; the thermal comfort is not optimum for example. Whereas the downer floors less exposed or for some of them just a little exposed can be also problematic ; lack of direct sunlight during the year. This facade is therefore exposed to very different intensities of direct sunlight, direct sunlight heating, lack of light, lack of heath, etc. The context of the building is one major factor that explains this difference but we can also say that the architectural conception of the building isn't reflecting the different needs of it ; each floor is the same, there are no variation from the first to the last floor, whereas theirs needs are completely different. The architectonical conception is therefore not optimum and could be reviewed by changing the quantities of glass surfaces, their dimensions, quantities of balconies, their dimensions.
Step 4 : taking all these considerations to our site project
> in order to do that, we use the same technique of the previous steps.
> here's an extract of the 3D modelling with the shadow analysis of our site, putting into it our first fase of project ( solids without balconies or windows for now). For this we took also in consideration the variation of the existing topography. (in red our project)
23 March :
21 June :
Nicola Moscheni
Mar, 31/03/2015 - 03:11
Collegamento permanente
ok! you're right and well done with the modelling! But, what about the solar influence on the facade? Explain better this aspect! It's not only a formal consideration!