Solar Analysis Via Vigna Ciollo, Cretone (Sabina), Shadows Analysis of Via Del Porto Fluviale

  • Posted on: 26 April 2015
  • By: ferraro_perrotti


- 1Step: Run the Program

- 2Step: Open the previous Project 

Open the previous Project in order to work on it. 

in thic case Vigna ciollo.rvt; 


It will open the previous project, so we are ready to work on it; 

- 3Step Preparing the project in order to draw on it

First of all we have to put the different levels at the right odds to draw correctly the balconies and windows.

Clicking on evry single level we modify the elevation;

After that we have to select all the buildings as in the figure; 

Go to Mass Floor and Click on it. 

It will open a table with all the Mass Floors;

In this case with 5 Levels;

We have to show all the Levels to have the visible elevation on the project , so we can start to draw on it; 

Click on all the Levels, than Click OK;

Now the orange lines identify the different elevations; 

- 4Step Draw windows and Balconies

 Select the first building; 

To work on it Go to Edit In Place; 

Now we are ready to draw all the windows and Balconies;

Select one face;

Go to Modify Place Lines and Click on Rectangle in order to draw the balconies; 

Draw the floor of the balcony; 

Modify thw two dimensions with the right measures; 

Select the Rectangle and Drag to make the 3D extrusion; 

Now, as we can see, we have obtain the first balcony; 

We use the same passages to Draw the other balconies;

Draw the windows Go to Model, Rectangles and Draw the window; 

Select the Rectangle, Go to Create Form and Click on Void Form and you will have the window; 

Repeat the same passages to Create the rest of the Windows; 

Draw the Balconies on the other building; 

Draw just two Windows also on the other building; 

- 5Step Solar Radiation 

Finish the Mass form and clicl on Solar Radiation; 

It will open a table of Solar Radiation that it has to be modified; 

Click on ... at the right of Spring Equinox; 

Modify the solar Study click on Multi-Day ans Summer Solstice, for example; 

Click on Unit and change in kWh/m^2;

Click on Analyze to start the Solar Analysis; 

It obtains this Solar Analysis; 

Click on ... at the Right of Solar Radiation Default; 

Click on New in ordert to Creat also a numeral Analysis;


A table with a new Analysis Display will open and Select Markers with text;

Name the New Analysis and Click Ok; 

Go to Text Type and Click on Show All; 

Contoll on the window of color if you are using Blue as a Max and Red as a Minimum and Click OK; 

Now it obtains somethingh like that; 

In order to Read better the number Change the Accuracy of the Analysis, in this case, putting 3; 

This will be the result; 

It has been done also the Solar Radiation in the Summer, Spring, Fall and Winter; 

It has been done also the Solar Radiation with Ecotect Style in the Summer, Spring, Fall and Winter;

It has been done also the Solar Radiation with the numerical analysis in the Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall;

- 6Step Considerations

We analyzed the East front beacuse ther are balconies and we wanted to see what effects  had on hand under the balconies where the basement and on the East front are the bedrooms and even if the facade is mostrly sunny in the morning only in all seasons roof absorbs heat all day and the rooms are never refreshed also there is some water infiltration on the front. 


Sun Path and Shadows Analysis of Site Project 

The Area is located in Rome, exactly between Via del Porto Fluviale and Via del Commercio;

- 1Step Draw the Context and the Project

Using the same steps as the first exercise, we draw the context and the project still to be defined in the request area; 

- 2Step SunPath and Shadows On 

Click on SunPath and Click SunPath on; 

Click on Shadows On; 

- 3Step Select the different times and the different dates in order to see the Shadows 

On 21 of March 2015 at 10:00 AM;

On 21 of March 2015 at 4:00 PM; 

On 21 of June 2015 at 10:00 AM;

On 21 of June 2015 at 4:00 PM;

On 23 of Septmber 2015 at 10:00 AM;

On 23 of Septmber 2015 at 4:00 PM;

On 21 of Dicember 2015 at 10:00 AM;

On 21 of Dicember 2015 at 4:00 PM;


From these analysis we think that the project could be work. 



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Domenica, 26 Aprile, 2015 - 13:02