Lab6C_Analysis of the project

  • Posted on: 29 May 2015
  • By: Folgiero_Guratti

In the second post we started to do some considerations about the area of the project, having a particular look at the impact of the big mountain Kohler on the area of the project.

As we have seen, the situation in Via Aslago in Bolzano is particulary critical especially in winter, since the sun  doesn’t reach the site until 11.20 a.m.

So, let's see how this situation influenced our project's proposal.


Our project is composed of one big unit, “C” shaped, of 4 or 5 floors, which contains 76 houses of various dimensions.

At the beginning, our building looked towards the park, since this disposition results the most natural one: a big “C” which embraces the park and offers not only a pleasant view but also a continuity between the courtyard and the park.
But a pleaseant view is not enough, we had to look at the comfort for people who live the buildings and the courtyard.
For this reason, our “C” was mirrored: we noticed that the sun reaches in a better way (and longer) the courtyard, especially in the summer. Since the big courtyard was created to give people a comfortable open space, it was important to consider its relationship with the sun, especially in a season (the summer) during which people are motivated to enjoy this space.

Our willingness of having buildings that don't create shadows the one on the other and at the same time of forming an homogeneous courtyard is still satisfied. Also, opening the “C” towards via Aslago the site results permeable and the access is easier.


alto inverno ore 12.jpgWinter solstice, h. 12,00

alto inverno ore 15_0.jpgWinter solstice, h.15,00

alto estate ore 12.jpgSummer solstice, h.12,00

alto estate ore 15.jpgSummer solstice, h.15,00

alto estate ore 18.jpgSummer solstice, h. 18,00


As we can see, the courtyard results more comfortable during the summer:

h. 15,00 Before:


 h.15,00 After:


The shadows of the near buildings reach the courtyard later, in fact we observe that at 15,00 the courtyard is still illuminated and it won't be obscured until 18,00, but only in part.


(We tried to study the solar radiation, but the program doesn't work...)

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Venerdì, 29 Maggio, 2015 - 11:20