Aldo Mastrangelo, Fabrizio Di Consiglio 3_es Prunus Cerasifera
Prunus Cesarifera
It is a tree or shrub with deciduous foliage, up to 6.7 m Plant expanded globular light green (red in the variety 'pissardii'); trunk erect, sinuous, soon branched with bark brown-red, fissured and scaly in adult specimens. The leaves are ovate or elliptical, up to a size of 4x6 cm, apex tapered and serrated margin; upper surface green (in red varieties 'pissardii') lower surface is clear with hairs along the veins.The Amolo has flowers that vary from white to pink, with a diameter of between 2 and 2.5 centimeters, placed individually on short petioles. It blooms in March-April before or with the leaves.
Open "new conceptual mass"
Choose a template and open it
Add level for each section level of tree
Draw on different level the section of tree
Select all mass and then create a solid form
This is the result
It's possible to inserit the family created in other Vasari's project with the comand "place mass. In this case we place the tree created in the project of precedent delivery.
Then we set up the shadow in the four different season at 13.30 o'clock
We could see how the small size of the tree does not allow him to have a considerable shadow cast on the building, the tree in this case has no shielding function because the shadow cast by building falls on it for most of the daily hours.