Analisi ombreggiamento_Marconi_vs_Monteverde
We decided to analyze the shading in both of ours home buildings, because we have noticed that they are very different in their conformation and the area where they are located.
The one situated in Marconi, Via Eugenio Barsanti, it's a building of 8 floors surrounded by similar edifice; the second located in Monteverde, Via Fabiola, it's a building of 4 floors surrounded by a big empty space and a tall bell tower.
The analysis is made by the help of the program Autodesk Vasari.
After we downloaded Vasari the first step was opened it and select the option 'New Metric'.
After click this option you will see the next screen where you can set up (left on top) the option 'Location' that it is necessary to locate the two different buildings. In the consecutive images you can see our cases.
The next step, after 'Import' the image (we can see the option in the lower right), is to 'Create Mass' that creates and rapresents the measures of the both buindings. We can find the set up 'Create Mass' in the toolbar.
After the creation of the mass, we can use the program Vasari as a shadow simulator by clicking, in the low toolbar the two symbols that rapresents one the sun movement, and the other the shadow that the surrounding buildings, and that the edifice itself creates in relation with the settings of date and time.
With this command the screen that opens is the route of the sun automatically set to 12 and a random date. We can modify those two options by clicking on it and selecting the date and time we are intrested to. We have done this operation in the second image, setting the time at 10.30am and the 23 of March.
The result of the shadow simulation can be observed in the first two images for Marconi location at 4.00pm and in the last two images the Monteverde location at 10.30pm.
In the Marconi area, the demographic background and then the size and the approximation of the buildings, allows just a few hours of direct sunlight on buildings, due mostly by the continuous projection of the shadow of the surrounding buildings.
In the Monteverde area, the almost empty background shows how the building enjoys a continuous sunshine link only to the route of the sun during the day. Neither the close tower bell (30 metres tall) makes its shadow over the building.
The shading is an important architectural character that should be considered during the project phase in order to consider the wellness of the inabitans and the concequences on the buildin itself.
Nicola Moscheni
Mar, 31/03/2015 - 02:24
Collegamento permanente
How to make a good comparison between two different situations! ça marche!
This is the "winter" situation, and in summer? The "lucky" building is still the Monteverde one?
Lun, 11/05/2015 - 20:11
Collegamento permanente
yes the lucky building is the
yes the lucky building is the one in monteverde.. and it's the oldest! as people built less, maybe they gave more attention to solar radiation and shadow ;)