• Posted on: 12 April 2016
  • By: Mireia Sender Martí

The project is situated in Via del Porto Fluviale very close from the brige. The ambit is almost oriented in North-South and It has very diferent situations betwee the front of Porto Fluviale and the front of Via dei Magazzini Generali, the first one with very high preexistents and the other very low. 

This exercice tries to analyses the solar incidence in the surfaces during all year. The aim is to study the issue to design the hales in the facade in the most optimal way possible.

Start then with the process:

Here we find the the volumetric options with some little variations to the how this influense to the solar analysis.

Hypothesis 1 

Hypothesis 2 

Hypothesis 3 

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Martedì, 12 Aprile, 2016 - 09:29


Ritratto di StefanoConverso

Aggiungete del testo critico!


Ritratto di Mireia Sender Martí

The difference is very subtil but were the doubts that my parner and I had about the project.

The Hypothesi 1 is a project that close all the island ; so we find two buildings.

The Hypothesi 2 is only one building that leave the nferior part of the ambit open.

The Hypothesi 3 is the same volume as the second hypotehis but has all the cover inclined inwardly of the inner courtyard of the island. So we wanted to see if that creats a big difference with the plane cover.