• Posted on: 28 April 2016
  • By: Mireia Sender Martí

The project is situated in Via portuense.  The facade north is always in shadow while the rest have sun at least at some point of the day. That will explain why is so different the situation between the north and the other orentations.

This exercici wil analysis the eat and south facade  as they are those of my house.

As we can see in this icture the facade compisition is :

Facade East : The holes are all into the building so they don't creat shadow on the surface of the facade. The oly think that we can appreciate is that the low level is 90 cm back from the line of the facade so that can creat some problems of humidity because the shadows projected.

Facade South : Totally against the facade east , the south is composed of volumes exiting the front surface creating several reliefs and movements.

In  general it seams that the two facades are exposed to the sun almost all days of the year.

Facade East :

Facade South :

It seams that the corner between the two facade is mor sensitive to mositure damge and solar radiation damage. We can appeciated that in the next photo:

Mireia Sender



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Giovedì, 28 Aprile, 2016 - 15:20