10 parole, Nicola Morawski
10 parole:
1. 3D
2. controllo numerico
3. software
4. macchina
5. modello
6. prototipo
7. luce
8. suono
9. ipercorpo
10. selvaggio
Attualmente ci sono 0 utenti collegati.
10 parole:
1. 3D
2. controllo numerico
3. software
4. macchina
5. modello
6. prototipo
7. luce
8. suono
9. ipercorpo
10. selvaggio
1. Per cominciare, credo una nuova famiglia del tipo Generic Model.
2. Poi credo piani di riferimento, aggregando anche le quote per potere modificarli unisci
Ciao, for second exercise, first what I did it was open Family- Generic line based in which I make parametrical object centered on a reference level (with new ref. planes and formulas in Family Types)
Then, for material of the object I made new parameter (material) and clicked on three dots hidden on <by category>, then a new window pop out where I choose default wall (duplicate it!) and then choose solid fill and color. My object is made from wood.