esercitazione 3
1_ come prima cosa bisogna si apre un nuovo progetto e sei crea una famiglia.
2_si impostano i parametri e si creano vari tipi:
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1_ come prima cosa bisogna si apre un nuovo progetto e sei crea una famiglia.
2_si impostano i parametri e si creano vari tipi:
1. Open a new Family and select the type "Metric Curtain Wall Panel" template in the English library. Save your new Family.
2. Creating the column part :
In that Family, create a new extrusion. Lock the position of your extrustion on the Reference Planes in the Ref. Level.
Add a new reference plane in the front view and define a dimension (quotation) between this new reference plane and the existing bottom reference plane.
Align the top and bottom sides of the extrusion with their respective reference planes and lock the alignment.
Deidda - Consegna 2
Deidda - Consegna 1
1 - Create a new family using the template " Metric Generic Model" from the "English" template. Save it on your computer.
2 - Draw two reference plane, one horizontal and one vertical using the command "RP".
or Create > Reference Plan
3 - Use the "Aligned Dimension" command to add distance measurements between the newly created plans and the default ones.
Annotate > Dimension > Aligned Dimension