Autodesk Revit

Prima Consegna

  • Posted on: 12 November 2024
  • By: Andreyan Yanchev
  1. Creating a “families” document - “Metric Generic Modul”
  2. Drawing a “Reference plane”
  3. Drawing “Aligned” for the “Reference plane”
  4. Saving the family file in an Order for the following steps
  5. Creating new Parameters at the “Family types”
  6. Naming the “Aligned” lines after the Parameters
  7. Crating a form with the command - “Extrusion”
  8. Connecting the “Extruded form” with the Parameters from the “Family types”

Caiazza prima consegna

  • Posted on: 9 November 2024
  • By: Beatrice Caiazza

1) In primo luogo creo i piani di riferimento inserendo le quote allineate e una prima geometria. Quest'ultima verrà collegata ai piani di riferimento ai quali verranno attribuiti i seguenti parametri.

piani riferimento .png

2) Creo i parametri condivisi per istanza di lunghezza, altezza e spessore e testo


Seconda Consegna

  • Posted on: 8 November 2024

Open a new family

Click on family types, Create new SHARED parameter

Εικόνα που περιέχει κείμενο, λογισμικό, εικονίδιο υπολογιστή, λογισμικό πολυμέσων</p>
<p>Περιγραφή που δημιουργήθηκε αυτόματα

Create a new shared parameter file and save it on the folder of the lesson, create a new parameter group (for example named LESSON 3) and create a new shared parameter named s_length
