Polona Grmek e Karla Ritoša
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Polona Grmek e Karla Ritoša
we have a problem with modeling our object. The problem is that we can't place a generic face based object on a right place in model.
we made it like that, by sinking model down to have this small area (in the hole) who would stick, but then we notice that object should be sticking on this red line that I drew (small angled line on first picture) be a pefectly we rotate it like this:
Ciao, for second exercise, first what I did it was open Family- Generic line based in which I make parametrical object centered on a reference level (with new ref. planes and formulas in Family Types)
Then, for material of the object I made new parameter (material) and clicked on three dots hidden on <by category>, then a new window pop out where I choose default wall (duplicate it!) and then choose solid fill and color. My object is made from wood.
Ciao, in that course we are learning Revit from begining trying to understend the pricipals of bim, we are doing one thing in different ways, and here is how I didi it.
1. Open New Familiy - generic model (*we are doing just one object at first*)