

  • Posted on: 30 March 2016

Questa foto è presa in Piazza del Popolo alle 16:00 ore. Può osservarsi l'ombra che possiede e quella che proietta la basilica Santa María in Monte Santo, del s. IX, sull'Edificio. Allo stesso tempo, si vede la situazione luminosa della zona dove ci troviamo. 

LAB 6_Library of the "Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis"

  • Posted on: 29 March 2016
  • By: Alberto Ortensi

It's not so easy to go inside this building, as it's on an extraterritorial area of the Vatican in Rome. Luckly I had this opportunity almost two years ago, thanks to my Architecture student ID. Once I was in, what has captured my attention was the invasion of brightness! Anyway the architect studied with a smart attention, how the light hits the facades, in order to avoid that even just one single ray of sunshine could hit a chair or a table.
