LV_CurtainWall (Delivery 4)

  • Posted on: 10 December 2014
  • By: laura.vellucci

Create a family from template “Metric Curtain Wall Panel”

Do new family from template “Metric Curtain Wall Panel”

The template view is shown down (this is a mother family)

From the family “LV_dPattern” Create a new Family “LV_Assemble” from “Metric Generic Model” load it into the new mother family that named “LV_Curtain” and create an extrusion object as shown next:

Create Parameters “Width” and “Material”

Then create a new Project and Load the family into the Project.

Click on Wall Icon and select “Wall: Architectural”

Click on “Type Properties”

And select System Family: Curtain Wall

And now select the wall and in Curtain Panel select the family LV_Curtain

Draw the curtain wall.

Then do the grid for the curtain wall from menù “Architecture” - “ Grid Curtain”.

Obtain what is shown next:

Now select one part of the curtain wall with tab button and change "material" and "width" of some parts of the curtain wall.

Try to change LV_Width_Curtain parameter in the family in the next way:

Then change the parameter “LV_Width_Curtain” = “LV_Lenght_Curtain”/5


Obtain what is shown down:


Create “LV_CurtainB” from family “LV_AssembeB”

Load into the project “LV_ProjectCurtain”

Then select a part of the curtain wall and click on the thumbtack to open it.

In Properties change the tipology of curtain wall and obtain what is shown next

Now plays to change some parts of the curtain wall

Mercoledì, 10 Dicembre, 2014 - 12:06
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Ritratto di Vincenzo Panasiti

Ottimo lavoro, ma adesso cerca di uscire un pò dagli schemi, facci vedere qualcosa di nuovo! Anche evolvendo il tuo componente ma sperimentando nuove forme e funzioni!