Trying to create a schedule...

  • Posted on: 30 November 2014
  • By: Natalie Ruggiero


after my second delivery I tried now to create a schedule for the produciton

so I added the shared parameters and then tried to create the schedule.. but I cannot read it because I can not change the size of the row.Schedule2.jpgSchedule3.jpgSchedule4.jpg


Till yet I didn't added the second version of the chair (the variable part) because I want to be sure first how to get a readable scedule.. I know in the top taskline there is a field where I usually should be able to change the size of the rows but its grey, I cannot select it. I tried many different ways..


Domenica, 30 Novembre, 2014 - 20:43
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Ritratto di Vincenzo Panasiti

If yes, it may be the reason of the issue.

Ritratto di Natalie Ruggiero

Unfortunatly I have to say you're right. I tried it with a Windows PC and it worked. I would appreciate if some of the teaching staff could have a look later in the lesson together with me to modify the organisation of the chart.Cattura.JPGCattura2.JPG See you soon! :)