Prima Consegna - Vit
1 - Create a new family using the template " Metric Generic Model" from the "English" template. Save it on your computer.
2 - Draw two reference plane, one horizontal and one vertical using the command "RP".
or Create > Reference Plan
3 - Use the "Aligned Dimension" command to add distance measurements between the newly created plans and the default ones.
Annotate > Dimension > Aligned Dimension
4 - Using the "Extrusion" command and the "Rectangle" tool, create a rectangle. and then align it with the four reference planes. Ensure that the sides are locked to the reference planes to secure their position.
Create > Forms > Extrusion > Rectangle Tool
5 - Align it with the four reference planes using the "Align" tool. Ensure that the sides are locked to the reference planes to secure their position.
Modify the Extrusion > Align and the lock with the "Lock Icon"
6 - Go to 'Front View' and create a new reference plane. As before, use the 'Aligned Dimension' tool to add a measurement. Then, align the top face of the extrusion with the reference plane.
7 - Open the 'Family Types' dialog and add the parameters 'Widtht,' 'Length,' and 'Thickness. Make sure the parameter type is "Length" and the "Instance" parameter type selected.
Create > Properties > Family Types
8 - Assign the corresponding parameter to the dimensions. To do this, click on the dimension, then use the drop-down menu to select the desired label.
9 - First, make sure to save your family. Then, open a new project using the 'Construction' template. Save the project on your computer.
10 - Insert the family created in the new project.
Insert > Load Family
11 - Open the project’s browser, navigate to 'Family' and then 'Generic Models.' Select the inserted family, then click and drag it onto the plan as desired.
12 - Use the family properties to adjust the parameters of each element until you achieve the desired effect.
To modify the parameters: select the element, then go to the "Properties" palette. Adjust the desired parameters.
13 - Visualize in 3D dimension.