
Es.3 - Palma da dattero (Phoenix dactylifera)

  • Posted on: 24 May 2015
  • By: Roco_Torella

La palma da dattero (Phoenix dactylifera) è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia Arecaceae.

Il tronco può essere alto fino a 30 m, ma di solito non supera i 15–20 m. Le foglie sono pennate, rigide, di colore verde-grigio, lunghe 3–5 m con picciolo spinoso e circa 150 foglioline lineari-acuminate, lunghe 30 cm e larghe 2 cm, glauche nella parte inferiore. La chioma può raggiungere un diametro di 10 m.

Pinus Pinea

  • Posted on: 23 May 2015
  • By: Bacchetta_

Pinus Pinea

It is a tree from the pine family. The tree is native to the Mediterranean region , occurring in Southern Europe and the Levant. It is also naturalized in North Africa, the Canary Islands, South Africa and New South Wales. The Species was introduced into North Africa millennia ago, such a lomg time that it essentially indistinguishable from being native.

Trastevere Temporary Housing

  • Posted on: 9 May 2015
  • By: Bacchetta_

The project , slightly varied in size than the previous delivery , consists of three volumes and it exploit the different heights of them to make the most of functionality . In fact the two external volumes hold the residences while the internal volume hold the common services and the upper floors the hotel.Moreover it was chosen not to completely block the passage through the lot but make it crossed through paths and liveable at the same time .

