Seconda Consegna Andreyan Yanchev

  • Posted on: 25 December 2024
  • By: Andreyan Yanchev

1.First we create a new family project.

2.Then we create a shared instant parameters, for lenght, width, thickness and name.

3.After that we create extruded form and align the form to the ref. plane parameters. 4. We create a new project and upload the family. 5.Then we place the already created objects6. Then we create a schedule with the follow components: length, thickness, width, name, type and comments. 7. After that we are groping the objects and naming them and also giving them a comment.  

8. Next step is to create a different colors for the different comments.9.Then we do different levels. 10. Placing ref. plane, to be easy to order the objects.11. last step is organizing everything and naming in right

Mercoledì, 25 Dicembre, 2024 - 13:57
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Andreyan Yanchev
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Ritratto di StefanoConverso

Hi Andreyan, a very well structured process, congrats!
You used reference planes and colors in a very precise and well described way.

From the design point ot view, I believe you might try a bit more of interlocking between the steps, they appear a bit separated now, also for the choice of the perspective, maybe putting elements closer will also add tension to the composition, the distance is a very important aspect to take into account. you can play with it by working with the reference planes, since you have them. Did you lock the alignemnt? you can also do it now.
When you have elements, try to play in variating them!

Same for the shadow, if you put it, try to use it in the composition, maybe it coud be side light in your case?
Also in that sense you have to make a decision: do you want it tectonic, like the first one, or is is a more free composition in space?
In that sense, maybe you can augment some spaces, maybe as you climb towards the top?

Best Regards and Happy New Year!