Progettazione parametrica PANCHINA

  • Posted on: 24 November 2014
  • By: andrea piattella

I have create with Revit the bench designed in the picture above. First of all i studied the pieces that compose it, two hiron structure that are the base of the bench, the overstructure in wood and the bolts that hold the all. I created one family for each piece [ FILE-NEW-FAMILY-METRIC GENERIC MODEL FACE BASE ]. I decide the face view according to the function tha the object will have.

First of all I put the correct project units [ MANAGE-PROJECT UNITS ] and according to the dimention of the piece i put the project units. For example for the bolts I used millimeters meanwhile for the  wood sticks I used meters.

Than I draw the REFERENCE PLANE to define the borders of my object. I used the coomand ALIGNED DIMENSION To mesure and set the lenght between the planes.

After I set the referenc plane I added the parameter using the command FAMILY TAPES. I created a list of parameters than I assigned each parameter a dimension. 

I essagned the parameter cliking on the dimension and choose the correct one.

After delimitated all the dimension and  the thicknesses of the piece I extruded the surface [ CREATE-EXTRUSION ]. I changed view and i used the front view to adjusted the lenght of the ectrusion creating another reference planeI. 

I did the same passages for the other parts (wood sticks and bolts)

 But I used a different command to create the bolts holes. I used the command VOID EXTRUSION drawing a circle on the hiron structure.

Finished each family( for each part) I created the mother family in order to combine all the components. I used the command [ INSERT- LOAD FAMILY (I searched the family that i want to import ). Than CREATE-PLACE COMPONENT (and i select the reference surface). To place the component in the correct position i uesd the command MOVE.




Lunedì, 24 Novembre, 2014 - 16:02
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Ritratto di StefanoConverso


If it's your design then.. congrats!

If not... then quote the author ;)

Very nice model, just there are no variations. So you miss the "parametric series" part, the 1st assignment.
And... another nice parameter could be the radius of the curved metal stripes. Actually it is one of the main players
of this design... you might want to add it - and maybe also make it a variable parameter?

good work then and thanks for the first post, welcome!


Ritratto di andrea piattella

this bench already exists but I modified this one to create more elements and joints. For example in the original there is only one hiron element that I separated to create a new joint with bolts. 

Ritratto di Manuel Andrè Bottiglieri

ciao Andrea,

è apparso un errore tra i log del sito, il tuo post fa riferimento ad immagini che non esistono più...per caso hai fatto qualcosa di recente? le hai eliminate tu? o rinominate per caso?

Ritratto di andrea piattella

ho fatto un casino....ho cancellato dal server tutte le immagini e non le ho più neanche sul pc....devo rifare tutto da capo immagino...giusto?