LAB6-Solar analysis (Raquel Matos, Judith Quirot

  • Posted on: 21 April 2016
  • By: Raquel Matos

In this exercice we tried to experiment with diferent variations of a form that we had more or less defined in our project.. By adding area on the top or by making changes in the biguest facade of the main building for the rooms to obtain sun we experimented and get to the folowing conclusions:

The smaller volume of habitation always have shadow in the north facade so we are turning the most important living spaces to the south and putting a "ballatoio" in the north facade; If we decide to do an upper volume(2nd solution) we can turn the rooms to both directions since the both catch sun; in the 3rd solution we found another solution to the upper level apartments but also found out that the detail added in the facade was worthless since it caches a similar amount of sun...

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd solar analysis are elated to the 1st solution, the 4th and 5th to the 2nd solution and the 6th, 7th and 8th to the 3th solution.

Giovedì, 21 Aprile, 2016 - 10:45
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