Materiabilty - Una community per "smart material" nell'architettura
Allo SmartGeometry 2013 a Londra ( ha partecipato anche Manuel Kretzer, che ha presentato Materiabilty, un network e banca dati, dove architetti, designer e ricercatori possono condividere le loro conoscenze sui materiali Intelligenti e Programmabili.
La rete di ricerca materiability, avviata da Manuel Kretzer nel 2012 nasce da un'iniziativa congiunta tra il presidente di Computer Aided Architectural Design , ETH Zurigo e Interaction Design , Zürich University of the Arts .
Il sito costituisce una banca dati in continua crescita su una vasta gamma di materiali , fornisce istruzioni in profondità e tutorial per l'auto- produzione di questi materiali e promuove il loro assemblaggio in progetti sperimentali temporanei e speculativi .
Iscrivendosi a questa rete si otterrà l'accesso al database dei materiali e tutorial , informazioni e la possibilita di scambiare conoscenze. In cambio ci si aspetta di utilizzare la rete in modo professionale e responsabile ovviamente.
La parte dei tutorial è estremamente interessante, soprattuto quello sulla creazione in casa di una Bioplastica!
The materiability research network is a community platform, an educational network and an open materials database. It was initiated by Manuel Kretzer in 2012 and emerged from a joint initiative between the Chair for Computer Aided Architectural Design, ETH Zürich and Interaction Design, Zürich University of the Arts.
Funded in a belief in unrestricted access to information and knowledge, it is strongly driven by a community that finds equal inspiration in digital creation and physical making. This platform brings together architects, artists, designers, students, scientists and researchers who share a common fascination with smart, programmable materials and their potential integration into architecture and design to create softer, more dynamic environments.
The website forms a continuously growing database on a wide range of materials, provides in depth instructions and tutorials to self-produce these materials and promotes their assembly in temporary and speculative experimental projects.
By registering to this network you will gain access to the materials database and tutorials, profile information and the possibility to exchange with fellow members and are highly encouraged to share and display your work as part of the network or engage in discussions in the forum. Depending on your activity within the community your status will change and you can gain access to extra information and details. Certain projects might also getfeatured and posted in other categories.
In return you’re expected to use the network in a professional and responsible way and credit appropriately. All information provided on the following pages is intended for educational and non-profit purposes exclusively. By becoming a member you agree to the Terms of Service. Please refer to theFAQ section for further details before enrolling.
Chair for Computer Aided Architectural Design / Prof. Ludger Hovestadt
ITA / Institute of Technology in Architecture / Faculty of Architecture / ETH Zurich
Schafmattstrasse 32 / CH-8093 Zurich