Delivery Status upgrade

  • Posted on: 20 March 2015
  • By: Manuel Andrè Bo...

now the filters on the DeliveryStatus page were upgraded to improve the research on contents:

  1. First of All choose the Data filter
  2. Here you can choose content from "BIM - Techine Parametriche di Progettazione" or "Laboratorio di Progettazine 6"class.JPG
  3. Then the possibility to focus the filter on contents created by "Students" or "Bim.rootiers Team"by.JPG
  4. Here you can choos the kind of content by Deliveries or Projectstype.JPG
  5. The last one is an optional filter about a detailed research by Authorauthor.JPG
  6. Here the "Apply/Reset" buttons to run filter configurationsapply.JPG
Venerdì, 20 Marzo, 2015 - 16:04
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