Delivery 2


  • Posted on: 18 November 2014
  • By: laura.vellucci

For the delivery 2 I thought to get inspiration from the next design (it is a my idea of some years ago)

I found my old drawings, that I did with autocad, and I begin to think how to do my project. So I do a new sketch with autocad.

Then I open Revit and choose the family template “Metric Generic Model face based”

Subtle variations - Frangisole

  • Posted on: 18 November 2014
  • By: Polyanna Galvao

Questa consegna lavoreremo con due tipi di famiglia. La prima famiglia chiameremo di Famiglia Madre e  dobbiamo aprirla nel modello Metric Generic Model Floor Based perché sará dove tutti gli oggetti, cioè tutti i membri della famiglia madre saranno riuniti e trasformati. Però lasceremo la famiglia madre separata e lavoreremo in questo momento con gli oggetti. Quindi: New family> Metric Generic Model Floor Based> Save as> POL - famiglia_madre.



  • Posted on: 17 November 2014
  • By: Klemen Stegu

For this second consegna I decide to create a table, using different familys and then joinig pieces together in oun - main family. Here is, how i did it:

1. I created a main family - using template Metric Generic Model:

1 - main family KLS.jpg

2. I created new family for the first part of the table. Keep in mind that every family, that we create and we will be later importing in the main family, must be Metric Generic Model face based:
