blog di laura.vellucci

Family LV

  • Posted on: 14 January 2015
  • By: laura.vellucci

I insert below the rfa files of the curtain wall families that i used in the project of the tower.
The instructions to do them are published in this portal. 


Curtain Wall Rectangles

  • Posted on: 12 January 2015
  • By: laura.vellucci


Create a new family from template “Metric Curtain Wall”

Do 2 parameters reading parameter for the Higth LV_HigthCW_D and for the Length LV_LengthCW_D

Then do some reference plane and create the parameters LV_D1, LV_D2 ... and do the parameters of hight.

Then create the formulas to to change the space in automatic mode.

LV_D3 = 2.5 * (LV_HigthCW_D / 10)

LV_D1 = 2 * (LV_HigthCW_D / 10)

LV_D2 = 1.5 * (LV_HigthCW_D / 10)

LV_D3 = 2.5 * (LV_HigthCW_D / 10)

LV_D4 = LV_HigthCW_D / 10
