blog di laura.vellucci

LV_CurtainWall (Delivery 4)

  • Posted on: 10 December 2014
  • By: laura.vellucci

Create a family from template “Metric Curtain Wall Panel”

Do new family from template “Metric Curtain Wall Panel”

The template view is shown down (this is a mother family)

From the family “LV_dPattern” Create a new Family “LV_Assemble” from “Metric Generic Model” load it into the new mother family that named “LV_Curtain” and create an extrusion object as shown next:


  • Posted on: 3 December 2014
  • By: laura.vellucci

Create the new family “LV_DimaA” from “Metric Generic Model face based”

LV_DimaA is of 4 differents types that emphasize width and material: 2 cm Birch; 2 cm Cherry; 3 cm Birch; 3 cm Cherry. It doesn't have other parameters but the length and the hight are locked.

Create a new family from “Metric Generic Model face based” and create the “LV_assi”.

It is a simply parallelepiped, that has dimensions identified with shared parameters for Height, Lenght and Width


  • Posted on: 18 November 2014
  • By: laura.vellucci

For the delivery 2 I thought to get inspiration from the next design (it is a my idea of some years ago)

I found my old drawings, that I did with autocad, and I begin to think how to do my project. So I do a new sketch with autocad.

Then I open Revit and choose the family template “Metric Generic Model face based”

Type Parameter

  • Posted on: 15 November 2014
  • By: laura.vellucci

Create a new family with a type parameter

I choose new family and the template “Metric Generic Model face based”

Now I design a parametric object with istance parameter for the Width, Lenght and Height.

Now I add a new parameter: Material, but it will be a Type parameter

I click on the this icon


  • Posted on: 3 November 2014
  • By: laura.vellucci

Ho creato il mio oggetto parametrico pensando ad un semplice sistema trilitico.

Ho costruito inizialmente i due pilastri dal comando estrusione e ho imposto due parametri diversi per definire la loro larghezza. Facendo parte della stessa estrusione l’altezza dei pilastri può variare solo per entrambi, la medesima cosa avviene per il loro spessore.

Ho poi realizzato la trave facendo un'altra estrusione e ne ho legato la geometria ai due pilastri.
