Testaccio Via Galvani 38

This performance is due in order to analyze the shading of a residential building located in Rome, Via Galvani 37, Rione Testaccio.
The purpose of the exercise is to illustrate the basic commands have been used.
>  Opening of Vasari Beta 3 > insert "new metric" as reference scale


In order to change the IUF measured in linear meters, follow the subsequent instructions:
1) > "Manage"
2) > "Project units"
3) > "Length" and set
4) > "Units": in "Meters". Finally press OK


5) >  "Analyze"
6) >  "Location"
A window will be opened that will ask you to enter the address of the area in question. Once you have found the area, we will import the image of the place.
> "Import Site Imge" 
(Internet connection is needed for the following steps)n.3.pngTo set a new level:
> "Model"
> "Level"
Within the model you'll see a vertical dimension corresponding to the height of the level you are going to accomplish.
(Vasari default sets three levels of 3 linear meters eachone)

n.4.pngTo realize the perimeter of the buildings do:
> "Model"
> "Create Mass"


Inside of > "Modify / Form" will open a curtain, you will choose the type of command based on the shape of the buildings that you're going to trace.
Once traced the building clicking inside it with the left mouse button, you will open a vertical vector with which you can indicate the height.
To conclude these proceedings click > "Finish Massn.6.pngTo enter the solar trend within the model, click the icon > "Setting Sun" that will give you the chance to enter the location, date and time of the place being studied


After entering the solar trend we can analyze how the building behaves at different times of the day.
The area that we have analyzed is located in a housing development primarily composed of residential buildings no taller than four floors.
We'll analyze the behavior of the building during the day, through an analysis of the shadows.



          General overview


                          Cattura_generale2_0.PNGSolar path 29/03



West side

 Cattura_8.30_0.jpg      IMG_8.30_0.JPG

   8:30 of 29/03

    Cattura_12.40_0.jpg               IMG_12.40_2.JPG

   12:40 of 29/03  


Cattura_16.40_0.jpg      IMG_16.40_0.jpg     16:40 of 29/03      


North side  

Cattura_13.20_0.JPG       IMG-13.20_0.jpg   13:20 of 29/03


Cattura_15.30_0.jpg      IMG-15.30_1.jpg     15:30 of 29/03                                 

Lun, 23/03/2015 - 15:50
Via Taurasia, Quartiere San Giovanni, Roma

1- before starting you need to download from the site of Autodesk software that we will use for the study of the shadow of our house, that is, "Vasari" (software still in beta)

2- we start "Vasari" and choose "New Metric" in order to start working in the correct unit of measure (the conventional one in Italy).


3- some hints on the layout of the controls
-in the top we find all the tools for modeling and model settings
-in the bottom we find the temporary settings (the most important in our case, one to activate the shadows and choose the day and time to play)


4- go first to set the place where the building is located to study.
the top bar are ANALYZE ---> LOCATION


5- we set the position (in this case Rome) and we choose the nearest weather station (except incompatibility type: proximity to the sea, elevation etc.)


6- At this point let's zoom in on our building (by moving the icon of the house above it) and click on IMPORT SITE IMAGE ---> IMPORT


7- Now we will find the satellite map as the bottom of our model.
before going to verify the correct correspondence between reality and satellite photo.


8. let's change the scale of the drawing (the default set in mm) going on MANAGE ---> PROJECT UNITS and changing FORMAT item in LENGTH METRES. We press OK.


9- At this point we are ready to shape our building. we go on MODEL ---> CREATE MASS.
we have now entered the editor of "Vasari"
We go to place in TOP view and we can begin to polish the soles of our building.


10- are now at the top a drawing editor very similar to autocad. select the command POLYLINE and begin to polish the contour of the first volume.

11- select the polyline just made and up will find the CREATE FORM. clicking it we will create the 3D volume


12- we move in side view we can see the volume created. to set the correct height we go to select the "roof" of the volume, and there will appear the portion in blue, picking her click we can decide the height of the volume (in our case, for example, 30m)

13- FINISH MASS press up and we created our volume !!!


NB: repeating steps 9-13 you can create as many books we want, for example, we have created what are the adjacent buildings and the block of shops on the street front.

14- Once created our 3D model complete with all the pieces we go to press the button to activate the shadows, and that the choice of date and time to be simulated. by setting the program will automatically calculate where the shadows fall.
Also clicking SUN PATH ON we can see the path of the sun in the agreed day.




The analysis of the shading of the building has shown those that are the highlight areas of the facade. It seemed interesting to study more than anything else, the shadows inside the court, in fact, here the parties are reversed totally lit compared to a building without court.
The east wing is indeed lit in the afternoon, while the west wing in the morning. The type of courtyard building into sharper focus the phenomenon whereby the lower floors are less enlightened and treble much more.
In addition, the North wing ( thus the wall facing south ) is brightly lit during the day, especially during the day between 10 and 16. In fact, even the trapezoid shape without one hand, the Court makes internal very airy and full of light. This, however, leads to a strong direct light in the summer, the screen on the ground with the trees.

We also carried out the verification in the opposite direction, trying to figure out what day of the year was carried out aerial photography of Google Maps.


24 GIUGNO - ORE 8.10


21 MARZO - ORE 16.00


23 MARZO - ORE 11.30






Lun, 23/03/2015 - 15:14
Ostiense_Via del Gazometro

TUTORIAL di Giulia Bianchi e Raffaele Cinotti

1_Avviare il programma e scegliere New Metric nella sezione Projects (per utilizzare l'unità metrica di misura).01.jpg2_Modificare l'unità di misura da millimetri a metri scegliendo il comando Manage>>Project Units e cliccando su Length e selezionando Meters02.jpg

3_Selezionare Analyze>>Location e inserire le coordinate del luogo da analizzare e attivare l'opzione Use Daylight Savings time03.jpg

4_Selezionare il livello su cui andrà posizionata l'immagine da importare, quindi scegliere Level1 e Import04.jpg

5_Selezionare Model>>Create Mass per creare i solidi degli edifici.05.jpg

6_Selezionare il comando Line e impostare la vista dall'alto per disegnare il perimetro degli edifici da estrudere.06.jpg

7_Per creare il solido, selezionare la linea del perimetro disegnata e scegliere Create Form>>Solid Form.07.jpg

8_Dopo aver estruso bisogna modificare l'altezza selezionando la faccia superiore del solido e cliccando sulla quota per cambiarne il valore.08.jpg

9_Attivare il percorso solare scegliendo Sun Path On dall'icona presente nella barra inferiore dei comandi.09.jpg

10_Attivare le ombre scegliendo Shadows On dall'icona presente nella barra inferiore dei comandi.10.jpg

11_Selezionando il comando precedentemente usato Sun Path, scegliere l'opzione Sun Settings per impostare il giorno e l'orario in cui si vuole effettuare l'analisi, cliccando su Single day.11.jpg

12_Impostare la vista in Manage>>Perspective e selezionare il comando Camera direzionandola in base al particolare che si vuole ritrarre.12.jpg

13_Dopo aver catturato l'immagine con lo strumento Camera, effettuare il Render cliccando sull'icona "teiera" dalla barra inferiore dei comandi.13.jpg



ANALISI SOLARE della facciata ovest del complesso residenziale di via del Gazometro

h. 11:3011_0.jpg

h. 15:30ore15e30.jpg



Lun, 23/03/2015 - 15:09
Quartiere aurelio, VIA GIROLAMO VITELLI


1.To get started, open Vasari  and, in first display, click on "New metric" to start a new project.

2. You'll need to set the metric scale depending on the objects you are working on. I need meters for my analisys: Click on "Manage" in the main toolbar, then on "Project Units" and set the unit type you need in the window that will open.

3. Now we need to locate our analisys. To do so, click on "Analyze" in the main toolbar, then go on "Location".

4. You'll need to be online and you'll be requested to log in with your autodesk account.

5. After you signed in, you'll be able to insert the Project Address in a window that will pop up. As you'll do this, make sure to select a wheater station too, considering not only the distance, but also the elevation. also remember to tick the "Use Daylight Savings time" box. After this click on the "Import Site Image" button.

6. For the next step, you have to chose the part of area that you want to import. After that, be sure to put it on your first level and click on "Import".

7. Now you can start modeling. First of all go on the "Model" menu and click on "Create Mass".

8. Before you start drawing the outlines of your buildings, click on “Model” on the “Model” menu and set “Draw on Workplane”. You will draw easily if you activate the top view from the view cube on the right.

9. Start drawing the outlines of your buildings and keep it simple. You can also draw the outlines of the "holes" that you need for your buildings.

10. When you are done with the outlines, you need to extrude the volumes. Go on the Create form menu and choose "Solid Form" to extrude the volumes or "Void Form" to extrude the voids

11. When you are done, be sure to click on "Finish Mass". Repeat this process for all the volumes you need.

12. For our anallisys, we'll need sunpath and the shadows on our model. You can get those active by clicking the two ittle buttons in your bottom left corner, setting the shadows and the sunpath on.

13. Lastly, you'll need to set the views of your model for the renders. Go on the "Manage" menu and click on the "Camera".

14. There are multiple ways to set your camera. I decided to place it by using the top view: I selected the "Floor Plane: 2d Site" option in the Project Browser. Then simply place your camera by clicking on a spot and select the view range keeping the left mouse button pressed and pulling you cursor in the direction of your model.

15. You can adjust the view in the window that will open, select the style of your image clicking on the little button near the sunpath option.

Solar analisys

I live in a flat in Via Girolamo Vitelli, a cross street of Via Baldo degli Ubaldi, in the Aurelio District,Rome. My flat is located in a 7-storey building, that belongs to a block of 4 buildings. In particular,, the flat is located in the South-eastern corner of the construction at 6th floor. because of the height, the orientation reppresent an important part of the shadowing and for the internal confort, also because the building is dated in the first part of the 50s and it's not properly termic-isolated. So, for its placement, the flat benefits from a good natural enlightenment during the day. On the other side, we have a luck of shadowing, especially during the hottest hours of the day.

For my analisys, I decided first to evaluate the sun exposure of the two secondary streets close to the building where I live. In the image below I signed in blue Via Girolamo Vitelli and in red Via Giacomo Giri. I choosed those two because of their different situations. I picked the solar data of 9.30 am, 12.30 pm and 17.30pm of the two solstices and of today.

From the analisys of the area, it is clear that Via G.Vitelli gets a better illumination during the day. For this reason, the street appear quite pleasant as a place to walk: there are also some shops and activity on the building's bases. On the other side we have Via G. Giri, that is darker in general, with no economic activity and few garage entrances. It seems like that the illumination defined the Via Giri side of the building s as a sort of "rear".

For the study of my flat's balconies and windows i took some pictures during diferent hours. The result helps to  understand the problems linked to my home internal confort.

At 9.30, the sun enlight directy the 2 balcony on Via Baldo degli Ubaldi.

At 12.30 both the sides are enlighted and means that the rooms side get the direct radiation from the early morning to the hot hours.


At 17.00 , the sun keeps hiting the living balcony, projecting a lower shadow on the facade, too low for reaching the flat.


Final thoughts

Considering the enlightenment aspect, the flat is placed in a way that in the morning the illumination reach the bedrooms side of the flat (Via Baldo degli Ubaldi's side) and during the day the light reach both the living and the rooms. On the other side we have some general problem linked not only to the fact that this direct sun radiation makes the warm season even hotter for us, but also linked to the fact that, during the winter seasons, the sun doesn't reach the flat for a good amount of time. Plus the fact that our windows fixtures aren't properly termic isolant and the balconies represent a large surface of thermal bridge: it ends that the house tend to be ht in summer and cold during the winter's seasons.


Lun, 23/03/2015 - 15:04
