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Lun, 20/10/2014 - 17:22Based on the tutorial of BIM Troublemaker,
we try to communicate to two essential instruments for the world building and construction: revit and excel.
Let's say we have a frame of pillars, marked by a Mark (001,002,003, ...) parameter,
which must be verified and signed by an engineering firm.
First, we start by creating a frame!
Now, we’ve to import the column in the Dynamo canvas using the “Select Model Elements” node.
Then we use the “Element.GetParameterValueByName” node to select and read the Mark and Comments parameter.
After that I’m compiling the data. index0 refers to the list of values from the "Mark" parameter, index1 refers to the list of values from the "Comments" parameter. At this point, I have a list formatted in columns. However, in order to create dialogue and good Revit Excel I use a transposition to have a formatting rows.
Finally I can use the “Excel Write” node to export my data.
And here we are…
Now we have sent the excel sheet to the study of engineering, which he sent back to their fields filled in this way.
ok, now get serious ... if we assume many more pillars, which will have a Mark (AAA, BBB, CCC, etc.) when they reinporteremo on revit we must make sure that they correspond to the needs right.
So, we have to take the GUID in account. GUID numbers in Revit is in relation to the Shared parameters file. Each shared parameter has a unique identification number, or "Globally Unique Identifier" (G.U.I.D.)
The we’ve to create a CodeBlock. More info about the CodeBlock here
In this case we create a code block and then plug that into “SetParameterByName” node. Now DYNAMO will pick my instances by name and in the correct sorted order.
But now we see how to import data from excel. First of all, we call back the file using the “Excel.Read” node.
Then we have to select the Comments parameter from the transponse List.
And finally, use the “Element.SetParameterByName” node to assign the value at the parameter.
And now check from project schedule…
It works!!!!
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Gio, 16/10/2014 - 18:06Ecco la nostra bibliografia,
vi invitiamo a leggerla da subito, mai scindere teoria e prassi,
soprattutto in campo digitale!
Alexandre Koyré, Dal mondo del pressappoco all’universo della precisione, Einaudi, Torino, 2000 (edizione originale 1967)
Marhsall McLuhan, La galassia Gutenberg. Nascita dell'uomo tipografico, Armando Editore, 1991
John Frazer, An Evolutionary Architecture, Architectural Association, Londra, 1995
Greg Lynn. Animate Form. Princeton Architectural Press. 1999
Patrick Beaucé, Bernard Cache, "Verso un modo di produzione non standard", in :
Fréderic Migayrou, Mennan Zeynep (a cura), Architectures Non Standard, Editions du Centre Pompidou, Paris 2003; versione integrale italiana del testo in: Arch'it sezione Extended Play (traduzione di Teresana Donà)
Kenneth Frampton, Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture, Mit Pr, 2001
Stefano Converso, Shop works. Collaborazioni costruttive in digitale, CITTA’: Edilstampa, 2008
Stefano Converso, Il progetto digitale per la costruzione. Cronache di un mutamento professionale, Politecnica, 2010
Stefano Converso, voce Architettura Digitale all’interno del Dizionario di Architettura, Einaudi, 2012
Lars Spuybroek, NOX. Machining Architecture, Thames and Hudson, Londra, 2004
Bruce Lindsey, Gehry digitale. Resistenza materiale / Costruzione digitale,Collana IT Revolution in architettura, Testo&Immagine, Roma, 2001
Ingrid Paoletti, Costruire le forme complesse. Innovazione, industrializzazione e trasferimento per il progetto di architettura, Collana "Tecnologia e progetto", Editrice Clup, Milano, 2006
Riccardo Migliari, Il disegno come modello, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 2004
Maurizio Gargano, Forma e materia. Ratiocinatio e Fabrica nell'architettura dell'età moderna, Officina edizioni, Roma, 2007
Axel Kilian, Helmut Pottmann, Andreas Asperl , Michael Hofer, Daril Bentley (cura) - Architectural Geometry, Bentley Press Institute, 2008
Mario Perniola, Il sex appeal dell’inorganico, Einaudi, 1994