Curtain Wall Rectangles
Create a new family from template “Metric Curtain Wall”
Do 2 parameters reading parameter for the Higth LV_HigthCW_D and for the Length LV_LengthCW_D
Then do some reference plane and create the parameters LV_D1, LV_D2 ... and do the parameters of hight.
Then create the formulas to to change the space in automatic mode.
LV_D3 = 2.5 * (LV_HigthCW_D / 10)
LV_D1 = 2 * (LV_HigthCW_D / 10)
LV_D2 = 1.5 * (LV_HigthCW_D / 10)
LV_D3 = 2.5 * (LV_HigthCW_D / 10)
LV_D4 = LV_HigthCW_D / 10