

questo è il mio post per spiegare il flusso di lavoro usato nella prima consegna (risistemata)

- per realizzare il progetto, ho aperto l'applicazione di Revit e ho cliccato Family>New Family>Metric Genneric Model- ho realizzato 2 nuovi piani, uno verticale e uno orizzontale. Nella vista laterale ho realizzato un uletriore piano orizzontale parallelo alla linea di terra. - Ho inserito due nuove quote in pianta e una in alzato, per misurare la distanza tra gli assi principali presenti di default nella schermata con i nuovi piani creati- Poi con il comando Family Types vado a creare 3 nuovi parametri  altezza, lunghezza e spessore  - Una volta creati i parametri li collego alle quote e lo faccio assegnando l'etichetta, successivamente tramite il comando estrusione realizo un parallelepipedo, che poi collego e vincolo tramite i lati ai piani realizzati sia in pianta che nella vista laterale.- A qusto punto la prima famiglia creata avrà le caratteristiche assegnate e tre tipologie diverse (A,B e C)

- Una volta create le famiglie, apro un nuovo progetto in Revit e le carico al suo interno, stabilendo per ogni ggetto a quale tipo di famiglia appartiene 

- una volta stabilita il tipo di famiglia a cui appartiene ogni oggetto, con l'aiuto del comando "piano di riferimento" mi creo la mia composizione

-Tramite il comando camera definisco in pianta la posizione della vista prospettica


-dalla vista ho completato la composizione 



Mer, 05/02/2025 - 16:46
Terza Consegna_Musielinski

Create -> Family -> Metric Curtain Wall Panel


Family Type -> Shared Parameters -> S_Length, S_Width, S_Height 2.png

File -> Open Family -> Load into Family 


Align the solid to the reference planes (the solid should follow when a reference plane is moved)  


In Family Type -> New Parameter -> "S_L" -> Select "Type"  

Click on the solid in the family -> In Properties -> S_Length -> Click on the square icon -> Assign S_L  


Create a new project -> Construction Template  

Create an architectural wall -> In Properties set it to "Curtain Wall"  


Align the wall with the "Base TO" level  

In Properties -> Layout -> Fixed Distance -> Spacing 1000  


Load the Wall Panel Project  


In the South Elevation -> Click on the wall -> Type -> In Curtain Wall Panel set the family  


In the family’s exterior elevation -> Create -> Model Line -> Align  

In the family -> Add -> New Parameter -> Name it Line -> Data Type "Yes/No" -> 



Load into the project  

In the exterior view -> Click on the family -> In Properties click on the square next to "Visible" -> Load into the project  

In the project -> Type Properties -> Line (checked to appear, unchecked to disappear)  


Load the family into the other family  

Place the elements -> Align to the reference planes -> Load into the project  


Go into the family -> Left Elevation view -> Add a reference plane -> Import an element from the family -> Align to the reference plane -> Load into the project


Go into the schedule -> Curtain Wall Panel -> S_Height -> Modify the heights  


Here is the com​position I made during the class 24.pngand then the more elaborate one 

photos projet .png

another example of assembly possible by following all these steps

 rendu consigne 3 screen  .png




Mer, 05/02/2025 - 14:06
Prima Consegna_Musielinski

Buongiorno, here are the different steps of the first exercise:

1. New -> create a family -> English -> metric generic model  

apres 1 .png

2. Create two reference planes, one vertical and one horizontal -> reference plane  

apres 2 .png

3. Annotate -> aligned to have dimensions  

4. Save the family: "TPP - family render"  

5. Family types -> add new parameter "length" and then "width"  

6. Click on the dimension and define the labels "length" and "width"  

apres 6.png

7. Create an extrusion -> draw a rectangle  

8. Go to align -> click on the reference line and then on the solid

apres 8.png 

9. In the front view, add a reference plane -> annotate, align  

10. Align the reference line with the solid  

11. Family type -> add new parameter -> height

apres 11.png

12. Click on the dimension -> define the label height  

apres 12.png

13. In family type -> create 3 new different types -> length 5/10/15m  

14. Go to file -> create -> project -> architectural template  

15. Load the family into the project  

16. Place solids in the project  

apres 16.png

17. In family type -> formula -> height -> "=width*2/3"

apres 17 .png

18. Load into the project  

19. Place different family types  

20. Go to the project browser -> family -> generic models -> drag into the project  

21. Go to elevation -> change the level of some blocks  

22. Go to family -> family type -> modify the occurrence for height, length, and width  

apres 22.png

23. File -> save as -> family -> "family render occurrence"  

24. Load into the project -> add different types with occurrences  

apres 24.png

apres 24.1.png

25. Change the dimensions of the types with occurrences directly in the project  

26. Go to view -> schedules/quantities -> generic model -> add family and then type  

apres 26.png

apres 26.1.png

27. Sorting and grouping -> modify -> add family and type, then select a blank line between them  

28. Enable shadows


Mer, 05/02/2025 - 13:57
