
Curtain Wall_perforated facade

  • Posted on: 15 December 2014
  • By: Matteo Molinari

In this delivery we were asked to design a curtain wall. I decided to design a faced similar to the one in the headline picture. Since I'm designing a facade is important to understand the solar radiation that the facade recives; I tried to parametrize where possible so that the facade could variate according to which facade we are designing.

PART 1: The Family


  • Posted on: 13 December 2014
  • By: Mabel Sorrentino

In this post I tried to reproduce a curtain wall facade inspired by the one realised by Herzog and De Meuron in their M. H. de Young Memorial Museum in San Francisco.

As I know, the workflow they used to get this amazing result was longer and more refined than mine. The reason why I let myself be inspired by this project is because I found interesting the relationship between the diameter variation of the holes and the shade they provide inside.

So, I can start immediately to show my workflow.



RhOME for denCity at AU2014

  • Posted on: 12 December 2014
  • By: Francesca Bottaro

This year, just a week ago, I had the opportunity to present the RhOME for denCity project at the Autodesk Idol, an event within the Autodesk University in Las Vegas.
RhOME, by Roma Tre University, participated to the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in France, and actually won the international contest, for the happiness of all of us who worked several months, and several nights, at the project, and for the pride of the entire University, and Country.

schedule parametric bench

  • Posted on: 12 December 2014

In this third delivery, we must create a schedule of the parametric object used for the second delivery. 

To make a schedule, i had to change the parameters of each component of family mother. This is because the old parameters weren’t shared parameters. Now the these new parameters aren’t only for a one object but they are for every component.


step 1 i open every family and i change the parameters. 
