
Modello albero Prunus Rosso BONANNO_CARLETTI

  • Posted on: 25 May 2015

Given the importance of the vegetation in the urban context of Rome we decided to put a common roman tree inside our project area to see the repercution that this vegetation create on the project.

We choose the red prunus that is a very common three in the urban area of Rome and it has a very caratteritic color and shape that match perfectly with our project.



Vegetation_Prunus Nigra

  • Posted on: 25 May 2015
  • By: devreux

The Prunus Nigra is a species of Prunus native on the eastern North America, brought in the Mediterranean area and that we can frequently find in the city of Rome. It's a tree that can grow over 10 meters with a trunk up to 25 centimeters diameter with the low part dense crowing of stiff rigid branches. The leaves are 5-12 centimeters long and 3-7 centimeters broad, with different kind of shapes: heart, rounded at base or abruptly contracted to a narrow point at the apex. 

Modeling a tree.Robinia Pseudoacacia

  • Posted on: 25 May 2015
  • By: Delli Carri_Luongo

Modeling a tree. Robinia Pseudoacacia

Robinia pseudoacacia, commonly known as the black locust, is a tree of the genus Robinia in the subfamily Faboideae of the pea family Fabaceae. It is native to the southeastern United States, but has been widely planted and naturalized elsewhere in temperate North America, Europe, Southern Africa and Asia and is considered an invasive species in some areas. 

ES_4_Pitosforo_Via Britannia 36

  • Posted on: 25 May 2015
  • By: Cabibbo_DelPriore

Per terminare di analizzare l’area circostante l’edificio situato in Via Britannia 36 (già trattato nella prima e nella seconda consegna) abbiamo deciso di studiare con maggior accortezza l’albero posto accanto al portone d’accesso dell’edificio.

Si tratta di un Pitosforo, originario dell‘Africa, Asia, Australia e Isole del Pacifico, e può raggiungere diversi metri di altezza.
