
Array Curtain Wall Panel

  • Posted on: 2 January 2015
  • By: laura.vellucci

Array Curtain Wall Panel

Create a new family from "Generic Metric Model" and do a simple parallelepiped and load it in another family created from template “Metric Curtain Wall Panel”

Create the parameter for the Length and trasform it in a reporting parameter as shown below

Modify the parameter that describe the length of the axis and associate it with the parameter C_LV_Length_CW

Curtain Wall Door

  • Posted on: 27 December 2014
  • By: laura.vellucci

Create a new family from template “Metric Door – Curtain Wall”

Do reference planes to create the frame of the door in Ref. Level and in the Exterior view.

Create the parameter “LV-Door-CW” and do the extrusion to create the frame.

Now do the door panel and create 2 parameter “LV-frameWidth” and “LV-DoorWidth” (always with reference planes).

Create the handle and the material parameter.


  • Posted on: 27 December 2014
  • By: Daniele.tricarico

Per questa consegna ho deciso di progettare un pannello di acciaio anotizzato forato. Ho studiato i fori, realizzati sul modulo del quadrato, in modo tale da poter consentire una diversa permeabilità alla luce giocando sulla distanza tra questi e la loro grandezza. (4.1)


curtain wall panel

  • Posted on: 26 December 2014

For this delivery we had to create a facade composed of various panels.

I had decided to think a new panel.

Step 1 I open a new file family -> Metric curtain wall panel (i create the single panel)

Schermata 2014-12-17 alle 10.59.58.png

Step 2 I use the reference planes to create the shape of panel.
