Libreria modulare

Il progetto consiste nella creazione di una libreria tramite l'accostamento di parallelepipedi di diverse forme e dimensioni, partendo da un' unica forma e cambiandone successivamente i parametri.

Ho iniziato creando una nuova famiglia su Autodesk Revit. Ho disegnato un rettangolo (andando su Crea --> Estrusione --> Linea)1.jpg

Sempre rimanendo in Estrusione ho disegnato dei piani di riferimento a cui vincolare il rettangolo. (andando sulla finestra Crea --> Piano di Riferimento)


Con il tasto Allinea ho vincolato il disegno ai piani di riferimento (cliccando Allinea, selezionando prima il piano di riferimento e poi l'elemento da vincolare e infine cliccando sul lucchetto)


Ho poi creato 4 ulteriori piani di riferimento a cui vincolare la bucatura interna. 4_0.jpg

E prima di disegnare un altro rettangolo interno, ho quotato il rettangolo e la distanza tra i vari piani. Sempre rimanendo in Estrusione --> Annota --> Allineata. Dopodiché selezionando la quota e andando nel menù a tendina (Testo etichetta) clicco Aggiungi Parametro. Identifico un nome per la quota e seleziono Istanza. 


A questo punto disegno un altro rettangolo che vincolo ai nuovi piani di riferimento


Aggiungo poi un ulteriore parametro che chiamerò Altezza. 

Andando su Viste 3D (Vista 1) ho il mio parallelepipedo in assonometria. 


Per avere l'altezza che ho scelto seleziono l'oggetto vado su Proprietà, seleziono il quadratino vicino Fine Estrusione e seleziono il parametro altezza.


Per modificare i vari parametri vado su Tipi di Famiglia.


Per portare l'elemento creato nella finestra di progetto vado su Modifica --> Carica nel Progetto


Per cambiare i diversi elementi li seleziono singolarmente e andando nella finestra Proprietà, accanto a sinistra modifico i parametri di altezza, lunghezza e profondità a seconda di quello che voglio creare.22.jpg


Volendo posso cambiare anche il colore e il materiale. Sempre dalla finestra a sinistra Proprietà --> Materiale(cliccando sul quadratino accanto)



Gio, 06/11/2014 - 00:08
Shapes of glasses

My idea was to create series of glasses. I was inspired by this image, which I found on internet while browsing for something useful:

I first created one glass as a template. The worko was divided in three stages, as I divided the glass in three parst: BASE of the glass, TRUNK of the glass and CUP.


1. BASE of the glass:

-I created round extrusion. Then I created parameter for the radius of the base and one for the height of the base.





2. TRUNK of the glass:

-For the trunk, I also created round extrusion. I than created parameter for the radius of the trunk, as i did before for the base.


-For the height of the trunk i first created two reference planes. One was alligned with heighest point of the base. And to this one was also aligned the lowest point of the trunk.

To the other reference plane I aligned the highest point of the trunk.


So I could set the distance between these two reference planes as the paramater for the height of the trunk.



3. CUP

The cup was made with the function called REVOLVE. What does this function do? It creates a round object from your created profile depending on where your set axis of rotation is. To tell on my example: set the axis of rotation and created a profile of my template glass.casa1.png


When this was done, i created parameters for the thickness of the cup, where it meets the trunk - this one was the same parameter as for the raidus of the trunk. After that, I created the parameter for the angle at which the cup is presented (so I could have more open or more closed cups). This was done with the annotate tool, but instead of aligned, I used angular. tool.


After that, I created another parameter for the thickness at the end of the cup, which I decided should be double times the thickness of the trunk.


And because I also wanted to regulate the height of my cup, I created a parameter for that as well. This was done by creatin two reference planes. One was connected with the lower point of the cup and the other was connected with the heighest point of the cup. The distance between them was my final parameter.


Mer, 05/11/2014 - 20:46
Libreria A

My initial idea was to create a modular bookcase. To construct it I would make a base niche that would become a parametric module to be repeated changing its form and dimensions in order to create the bookcase.

I found this project below on the internet and it inspired me to create a module based on a A4 form of a paper. The parametric changes in width, height and depth would transform the niche in other A paper sizes, such as A2, A3, A5, A6.



To design my project on Revit first I opened a New Family in Metric Generic Model.

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 120906.bmp_.jpg

Choosing the Front View to work in,I created three reference planes (the fourth is the already existing floor plan):

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 132830.bmp_.jpg

Then I started to align the dimensions,

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 132953.bmp_.jpg

making the vertical ones equal in reference to the central plan.

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 133239.bmp_.jpgCaptura de tela inteira 05112014 133253.bmp_.jpg

After that I started adding the dimensions and creating a parameter for them…

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 162304.bmp_.jpg

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 162316.bmp_.jpg

…based on my A4 module.

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 162348.bmp_.jpg

I drew four more reference lines to create the thickness of my niche and also added parameters to them.

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 170329.bmp_.jpg

And I’ve also done it one the left side to create the depth of it.

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 170510.bmp_.jpg

Then I drew my figure with the rectangular extrusion too

l,Captura de tela inteira 05112014 170529.bmp_.jpg

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 170538.bmp_.jpg

and aligned it with the reference planes, making sure to close the lockers.

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 170605.bmp_.jpg

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 173828.bmp_.jpg

My figure based on a A4 form ended up like this:

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 173925.bmp_.jpg

I had some trouble during the process and wasn’t able to make the interior space empty, and neither to apply a material to it.


After that I created a serie of Family Types and named them to the other according sizes (A2, A3, A5, A6).

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 180040.bmp_.jpg

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 180046.bmp_.jpg

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 180053.bmp_.jpg

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 180103.bmp_.jpg

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 180113.bmp_.jpg


Finally I exported the family to a New Project.

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 180344.bmp_.jpg

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 193455.bmp_.jpg

And modelled a bookcase with all of the niches together that I named Libreria A.

Captura de tela inteira 05112014 193316.bmp_.jpg

I used two pieces of A2, three of A3 and successively like this with the others. But as I didn’t have much time left to deliver I also couldn’t understand how to align the objects properly together.

I hope it is enough an I'm sorry for the delay!

Mer, 05/11/2014 - 20:20
