Delivery 4_ CURTAIN WALL

The first step to design the panel was creat a new family     METRIC WALL PANEL (in this new family I created the component of the single panel of the future facade) - OPEN ( I saved this file and I gave to it a name).

I created the surface of the panel with the command REFERNCE LINE but be attentio tha you creat this surface in the front elevation

I assigned the dimension of the project 

And I locked the surface to the reference line

After that I put on my panel surface the REFERENCE PLANES. These reference planes will be the guidelines of the holes that I want creat.

Than i draw the holes

Now my target is assign to the holes parameters that allow me to control their dimension, diameter or form. I assigned different parameters to the holes   if I will change them in different way. FAMILY TYPES - ADD...

Finished the front elevation I change View and I selected the side view to assign the width to the metal plate. 

To assign at the objet the material I selected it and assigned a new parameter to the family.

Now we face the second step to creat a Curtain Wall. I opened a new project. Inside it I will upload the panel to create the curtain wall. FILE- NEW - PROJECT

With the command WALL I created an architectural wall. I design initially the wall in the floor view and than I edited it.

In the properties tab I clicked EDIT TYPE - SYSTEM FAMILY(curtain wall) - DUPLICAT  and renamed the family - OK

I created a new view and I chose it   VIEW - ELEVATION - PROJECT BROWSER - ELEVATION

Now I can assign the correct dimension of the wall.

To position every panel on that wall I draw a grid that will be the location of the panel   -  ARCHITECTURE - CURTAIN GRID

this grid have to have the same dimension of the pannel created before.

Once I finished the grid I loaded into the project the panel. After that I find it in the project browser - curtain panels - perforated panel

To import the panel in the curtain wall I have to set (in the curtain wall type properties) the panel designed before as the panel for the curtain wall.

Now if I wanto to change the dimension of the holes and the disposition of them I have just to modify the parameters in the family of the panel and reload it again in the project.




Gio, 18/12/2014 - 13:39
Class 10: 18 Dicembre 2014 - Presentazione Tema d'anno Alienlog - Carlo Prati - Le Torri delle Finanze

Ecco i video della Lezione:

Prima parte:

Seconda parte:

cari ragazzi,
la lezione di domani, 18 Dicembre 2014
è quella in cui presenteremo il Tema d'anno.

E' pertanto ESTREMAMENTE importante che tutti gli studenti garantiscano la loro presenza, e portino anche un proprio portatile con il software installato. Per partecipare al tema d'anno, infatti, dovremo collegare tutti i partecipanti a un modello in rete, e lavoreremo sui computer di ognuno per configurarli. Spargete la voce a tutti. A domani, inizio ore 16.

Stefano Converso

mediaimage courtesy of Alienlog 


Alcuni passaggi per prepararsi al lavoro in aula:

  1. collegarsi al sito di Autodesk BIM e scaricare i plugin per revit:BIM-360-Glue---Plugin.jpg
  2. Munirsi di un account Autodesk, collegarsi al sito Autodesk BIM 360 Glue e immettere i dati del vostro account autodesk se già lo avete:
    oppure registrarsi cliccando su "Register" e compilando il registration form:
  3. dopo aver effettuato l'accesso vi comparirà questa schermata:
    invitation only.JPG
  4. è tutto normale! nessun errore. A questo punto siete pronti per domani, durante la lezione manderemo ad ognuno di voi l'invito per far parte del programma. 
  5. Di seguito un esempio di invito che manderemo domani alle vostre email:
  6. l'invito vi indirizzerà alla pagina web di BIM 360 Glue dove metterete i vostri dati di account autodesk per il login. Ed ecco entrati nella community adn:
  7. una volta entrati avrete il link per installare il software BIM 360 Glue; ecco i passi da seguire per l'installazione:
  8. ovviamente click su installa...
  9. attendete che l'installazione sia completa e poi vi si aprirà questa pagina:
  10. chiudete la finestra informativa, e siete dentro Glue!
  11. da qui potrete entrare nel progetto condiviso, cliccando sulla finestra ADN Roma Tre University
  12. dopo l'accesso alla pagina web di Glue se avete tempo cominciate a dare un occhiata ai video getting started:
  13. questo è il link per scaricare i modelli : File 1, File 2

a domani con.....

BIM 360 Glue - test levels.JPG

Mer, 17/12/2014 - 19:29
Curtain Wall Panel

Per questa consegna è stato creato un COMPONENTE DI FACCIATA. Vediamo come:

For this delivery, it was created a FACADE COMPONENT. Let's see how:


  • Pannello - The Panel

​Apro una nuova Famiglia>METRIC CURTAIN WALL PANEL,


Nella vista Exterior, attribuisco una quota ai REFERENCE PLANES che ho di default attraverso il comando Modify>Measure>ALIGNED DIMENSION, dopodiché seleziono le quote e le parametrizzo cliccando su Label>ADD PARAMETER.Ora creo un'estrusione selezionando Create>Extrusion>Draw>RECTANGLE e, a questo punto, lego la geometria ai parametri attraverso Modify|Create Extrusion>Align o digitando sulla tastiera AL e selezionando prima il REFERENCE PLANE poi il lato da allineare e lucchettare.

In the Exterior view, I quote the REFERENCE PLANES through the command Modify>Measure>ALIGNED DIMENSION, then I select the units and I give it a parameter clicking Label>ADD PARAMETER. Now I create an extrusion by selecting Create>Extrusion>Draw>RECTANGLE and add parameters by Modify|Create Extrusion>Align or typing AL on the keyboard and selecting first the REFERENCE PLANE then the side to align and lock.

Posizionandomi nella vista FLOOR PLANS, ripeto l'operazione attribuendo uno spessore al mio pannello.

In FLOOR PLANS view, I repeat the operation by assigning a thickness to the panel.

A questo punto, tornando sulla vista Elevations>Exterior,mi creo dei Reference Planes e, selezionando il pannello, compare sulla barra degli strumenti il comando EDIT EXTRUSION, che mi permette di disegnare delle bucature.

Now, back on the Elevations>Exterior view, I create Reference Planes and, selecting the panel, I can click on the toolbar command EDIT EXTRUSION, which allows me to draw the openings.

Do alle bucature 4 diverse INCLINAZIONI (25°,45°,65°,90°) attraverso il comando Modify | Edit Extrusion,

I give 4 different INCLINATIONS ( 25 °, 45 °, 65 °, 90°) to the openings throught the command Modify | Edit Extrusion,

Quindi copio la serie e la ricopio facendo riferimento ai Ref. Planes.

Then I copy and insert the series along the axis of the Ref. Planes.

Ora posso inserire il pannello nel mio sistema di facciata, ma prima devo creare una WALL sulla quale applicare il pannello.

Now I can put the panel in my facade system, but first I have to create a WALL on which I've to insert the panel.



  •  Facciata - Architectural Wall

​Apro un nuovo file di progetto New>Project>Template file>none>metric. Creo una facciata attraverso il comando Architecture>Wall> WALL:ARCHITECTURAL, dopodiché creo una nuova vista View>Elevation>ELEVATION e la oriento attraverso il tasto TAB (ruota il punto di vista). 

I open a new project file New>Project>Template file>none>metric. I create a facade clicking Architecture>Wall>WALL: ARCHITECTURAL, then Icreate a new View>Elevation>ELEVATION and rotate the view through the TAB key.


A sinistra su Properties>EDIT TYPES definisco la mia facciata cliccando su Duplicate.

On Properties>EDIT TYPES to the left side, I define my facade by clicking on Duplicate and naming the type.

Do al muro le dimensioni che mi servono, e, dopo averle selezionate, le imposto attraverso Properties>Edit Type>Duplicate>UNITS FORMAT.

I give the wall the dimensions needed and, then I select the quotes to edit through Properties>Edit Type>Duplicate>UNITS FORMAT.

Per attribuire le stesse impostazioni alle altre quote, clicco su Modify | Dimension>Clipboard>Match type properties. Attribuisco una griglia alla facciata attraverso Architecture>CURTAIN GRID, per poi impostare il pannello attraverso Edit Types>Curtain Panel.

I click on Modify | Dimension>Clipboard>Match type properties to assign the same properties to the other units. I create a grid through the command Architecture>CURTAIN GRID, then I set the panel clicking Edit Types>Curtain Panel.



Non mi resta che inserire il pannello nel progetto, prima attraverso LOAD INTO PROJECT, poi selezionando la facciata, sbloccando i PIN e selezionando il pannello nel menù a tendina delle Properties.

I just have to put the panel in the project, first through LOAD INTO PROJECT, then selecting the facade, unlocking the PIN and selecting the panel in the Properties dropdown menu.




Mar, 16/12/2014 - 21:54
Curtain Wall_perforated facade

In this delivery we were asked to design a curtain wall. I decided to design a faced similar to the one in the headline picture. Since I'm designing a facade is important to understand the solar radiation that the facade recives; I tried to parametrize where possible so that the facade could variate according to which facade we are designing.

PART 1: The Family

The first thing I did was to create a new family for my curtain panel. This time since we are drawing a curtain wall we don't have to use a metric generic model family but a METRIC CURTAIN WALL PANEL.(f.1)


Then I had to decide the dimension of my panel. so I drew my REFERENCE PLANE, and then I EXTRUDED the panel. I blocked the dimension of my panel to the reference plane and the showed the quotes. The I set three parmeters to assign to the panel: altezza, larghezza e spessore. The base panel I design is 3x2x0,05m. (f.2)


I drew my reference plane so that the holes will have a certain order. Each hole is orizzontaly distant from each other 0,04 m and each reference plane is vertically distant 0,10m. (f.3) Then I did a VOID EXTRUSION and drew three types of holes. I parametrized this holes so that I can change the height if needed. (f.4-f.5)




f.5 (an example of changing the parameter of the voids)

Then I went on designing the bigger holes for half of the panel. (f.6)


Then I started designing the smaller holes, in the inferior part of the panel. The same way I did with the bigger ones. (f.7)


The important part now, is to parametrize the vertical distance between the holes, so that if needed because of the exposition it can change. I quoted each refernce plan to which the void extrusion were blocked, activated EQ, gave a quote and parametrize it. (f.8) Then I assigned the parameter material, in this case alluminium.


Now I have finisched my panel. (f.9)



PART 2: The Project

It's time to create my project, so that I can create my Courtain Wall. I opened a new project, metric.

I used the comman ARCHITECTURAL WALL and drew it on my worksheet. Then I did EDIT TYPE and set the SISTEM FAMILY:CURTAIN WALL, gave a new name, in this case panel and duplicate it. (f.10) The wall is 12x12 meters, the depth will be given by the perforeted panel.


I added a new poin of view with the command ELEVATION, so it's easier for me to model. (f.11)


Then I used the command CURTAIN GRID so that I can divide my wall in areas as big as the panel I designed. (f.12)


I loaded my family in to the project.

Then I selected my wall, and used the command EDIT TYPE, in the window where is written Curtain Panel I choose the panel I designed and load it. (f.13)


The Curtain Wall is finished. all the panels are loaded in the right place (f.14-f.15)



This is the panel with the base dimension I choose, but since every panel is parametrized I can just change the parameters and I'll have a panel with a different design. (f.16-f.17)



Lun, 15/12/2014 - 16:57

In this post I tried to reproduce a curtain wall facade inspired by the one realised by Herzog and De Meuron in their M. H. de Young Memorial Museum in San Francisco.

As I know, the workflow they used to get this amazing result was longer and more refined than mine. The reason why I let myself be inspired by this project is because I found interesting the relationship between the diameter variation of the holes and the shade they provide inside.

So, I can start immediately to show my workflow.



At first I shaped the panel.

I Created a new family> Metric Curtain Wall Panel (in this environment I shaped the component I wanted to be the basic module of the curtain wall facade)


I Saved the file as a family


I Created an Extrusion. In the Exterior view I drew a rectangle> I aligned each side of it to the pre-formed reference planes.



I gave the panel the dimension wanted.


Then I started to draw reference planes in order to have guides when I needed to draw the holes after.

I kept in mind that in order to have a better result when I would have mounted all the panels together I needed to halve the space between the last column and the edge of the panel. So if I the space between two consecutive columns was 40 cm, the space between the last column and the end of the panel was 20 cm.





Then I drew the holes.


As my goal was to be able to control their diameter variation I assigned them a parameter.

forth_11.pngI assigned just instance parameters because I wanted to control each panel separately when I would came after in the project environment.



I assigned parameters to the holes’ diameter. 



I made some corrections when I closed the extrusion just to adjust final result.


I created reference plane in the plan view to align my extrusion with. This was the final result.





So, I created a new project file. New> Project> Template file> none> I chose metric as system of measurement.

forth_20.png forth_21.png  forth_22.png

I created an architectural wall. Then I edited the curtain wall. Edit type (in properties tab)> System Family: curtain wall> I duplicated and renamed the type.




I added an elevation view. View> elevation> Project browser> elevation



I gave the wall the dimensions needed and then I set as I want them to be.




I drew the grid. Architecture> Curtain Grid.


forth_32.pngI loaded into the project the panel previously shaped and it was immediately visible in the families, in the project browser tab.


In the Curtain Wall Type Properties tab I set my panel as the panel for the curtain wall.

forth_34.png forth_35.png

At last I tried with some variation clicking on a single panel and varying the holes’ diameter values.



Sab, 13/12/2014 - 20:27
