Es01_Steps for Solar Analysis


Open Autodesk Vasari and select New Metric on the left upper side of the home page.


This way you will open the following screen, with an empty plane.




Select Manage>Project Units in the upper bar and set ‘meters’ as length unit.





To set your location, select Analyze>Location from the upper bar.

! In order to choose a location, you are required to sign in with an Autodesk account. If you do not have one, sign up!


Search for your Project Address and then select a Weather Station, among the ones shown on the map. Check Use Daylight Savings Time (which I haven’t done), then click Import Site Image>Import.


A map of your location will now be shown on the plane.


Now that your ground plane is set, you will have to extrude the buildings on the map, in order to set the shadows. Select Model>Create Mass.


Select the shape of your building’s base. In this case, a rectangle.

To make it easier, set the Top view on the upper right side of the page, then draw your shape.  


(Your rectangle might not be aligned with the map, but you can rotate it afterwards).

Now select your shape and click Create Form>Solid Form.


You can change the building’s hight by clicking the vertical dimension. Remember to write ‘m’ (meters) after the new dimension!


Then click Finish Mass.




Select Modify|Mass>Rotate, place the Center of Rotation moving the blue dot. Then select the corner you want to move and replace it.




Let’s now consider the lower bar. You will see there is a red X on two icons: activate shadows and sun path by clicking on them.


Then press Sun Settings… and set date and time.


I chose to set March 20th, 8.20am.

Sun path (visible by zooming out, once activated) shows the position of the sun at that certain time.

You can now place all the other buildings (following points 4 and 5 again).




Select Floor Plan: 2D Site, from the left bar. Then click Camera, place the camera icon on the point of view and direct the visual cone towards the building.


If the framing is too narrow, you can widen it by stretching the sides.

Check if sun path and shadows are still on, because they might have turned off.




Now select Manage>Render. Then click Printer resolution, and set the DPI.

Click Render, and wait for it to be done. If you like it you may press Export… and save it. Otherwise click Show the model to change settings.


You can check your work by taking a picture of the building from the same point, on the same day and at the same time.


San Quintino st, 7 ROME. March 21st, 8.20am.

rendol 21 marzo 8.30.jpgDSC_0026.JPG


Now, a few more examples:

San Quintino st, 7. March 21st, 4.20pm.

rendol 21 marzo 16.20.jpgDSC_0053.JPG


Mazzini av, 6. March 23rd, 8.00am.




Lun, 23/03/2015 - 17:36



Baptiste Grandais & Marie Stafie


Step 1 : localization of the project

Context satellite view-01_0.jpg

Our study is focused on the building on Via Leopoldo Traversi, with its surrounding buildings. This part of Garbatella neighborhood is characterized by very similar buildings, having generally the same number of levels ; from 9 levels (with floor level) for our building, to 10 levels for the surrounding buildings. This typology  of neighborhood is very interesting to analyse because of the high number of levels and the proximity of each buildings. Analyzing the sun shadows and the direct sunlight the facades receive is a good way to find out what kind of problems these type of buildings can encounter. 


Create the area

> set location of the building

> create contours of the buildings

> extrude the volumes of these contour

> create contours of courtyards

> extrude these as voids

Shadows analysis

> enable sun path

> change sun setting of differents dates of the year

> for each dates select 3 hours of the day to look how the area interacts with the sun

Picture comparison

> set camera location

> export picture and compare with the real photography


Step 2 : drawing the buildings


Step 3 : sun path study

By testing the shadows in the street façade but also in the courtyard façade, we got to understand how much direct sunlight both receive. In order to have different relevent variations, we chose to set the most significant moments of the year ; the winter solstice(22 december), the summer solstice (21 june) ,  the autumn equinox (23 september) and finally the spring equinox (close to the day we analyzed : 23 March) . For each significant diagram we set three different hours : 08:00, 12:00 and 16:00. 

               diagramme final.jpg

Observations : 

During the winters, the major part of the appartments from the groundfloor to the last floor haven't got enough direct sunlight, all day long. Even in the summer the first and the groundfloors don't get enough direct light, we can say that the urban web is too dense to provide it for all appartments. But the courtyard typology offers an alternative solution to this problem, providing direct and indirect light with the reflexion on the facades. As for the shadows, it's obvious that during summer, they offer fresh air in the streets but the last floors of the buildings suffer from high temperatures exposition. After these observations, we can conclude that the presence of architectonical elements on the facades can also be a solution to high sunlight exposition, that we will see on the next episode. :) 

Step 4 : comparison between software and photo

                               photo comparaison-02.jpg

                                                         photo comparaison-01.jpg

Then we compared the render perspective views extracted from Vasari software with the pictures we took, taking the same angle of vision, and date settings, in order to verify the correspondence. We observered that for the courtyard analysis, the shadow is clearly equal, as it is for the street view, but with a less clear leggebility of the shadow form, caused by the presence of various architectonical elements on the facade. 


Lun, 23/03/2015 - 17:26
Via Ortignano _ Quartiere Fidene


Step 1 _ After you've launched "Vasari" click on "new metric" icon. 
Step 1 _ Dopo aver averto il programma "Vasari" cliccate sull'icona "new metric".


Step 2 _ Next step is to establish units of measure of the picture: then click on the "project units" icon on the "menage" bar.
Step 2 _ Il passo successivo è quello di stabilire l'unità di misura del disegno: quindi cliccatu sull'icona "project units" nella barra "menage".


Step 3 _ Select the units from the "project units" window (our case is lenght meters).
Step 3 _ Selezionate l'unità di misura dalla finestra "project units" (nel nostro caso "lenght -> meters").Screenshot 2015-03-19 17.14.04.png

Step 4 _ To conduct a proper study on shading and lighting you must take into account the position of the building analyzed, then click "location" icon on the "analyze" bar.
Step 4 _ Per realizzare uno studio corretto sull'ombreggiamento/irraggiamento bisogna tenere in considerazione la posizione dell'edificio analizzato. quindi cliccate il comando "location" nella barra "analyze". 

Screenshot 2015-03-19 17.16.43.png

Step 5 _ Insert the address of the building. Make sure to select "Level 1", then click "import".
Step 5 _ Inserite l'indirizzo dell'edificio da studiare. Assicuratevi che il livello selezionato sia "Level 1" e cliccate sul comando "import".


Step 6 _ Now select "create mass" on the "model" bar to start drawing.
Step 6 _ Ora selezionate "create mass" nella barra "model" per iniziare il disegno.


Step 7 _ Make sure to select the same commands as the picture (the yellow ones).
Step 7 _ Assicuratevi di aver selezionato gli stessi comandi dell'immagine (quelli evidenziati in giallo).


Step 8 _ To extrude the solid click and hold the blue arrow scrolling the mouse vertically. Type in the desired height using the keyboard.
Step 8 _ Per estrudere il solido tenete premuta la freccia blu e scorrete il mouse in verticale. Inserite l'altezza desiderata attraverso la tastiera. 


Step 9 _ Extrude all the solids you have to take into account.
Step 9 _ Estrudete tutti i solidi che dovete prendere in considerazione.


Step 10 _ Once finished, click "finish mass".
Step 10 _ Una volta terminato cliccate sul comando "finish mass".


Step 11 _ Now create the desired set using the "sun setting" command on the "manage" bar.
Step 11 _ Ora create il set desiderato usando il comando "sun setting" nella barra "manage".


Step 12 _ Decide a day and time to analyze, then click "apply".
Step 12 _ Stabilite il giorno e l'ora da analizzare, poi cliccate "apply".


Step 13 _ To create a sun path click the sun icon on the bar below.  
Step 13 _ Per inserire il "sun path" cliccate sull'icola con il sole nella barra in basso.


The house that we studied is located in Fidene - Rome - in Via Ortignano; this presents a lot of buildings of different heights, from 3 to 6 floors. In our case it's a building of 5 floors around 23 meters tall, next to it there are both a taller building (left side) and shorter (right side). With our analysis we've studied the response of the building to different hours of the day and different seasons.

L'abitazione che abbiamo studiato è situata nel quartiere Fidene - Roma - in Via Ortignano; questa presenta edifici di varie altezze tra i 3 ed i 6 piani. Nel nostro caso si tratta di una palazzina di 5 piani alta circa 23 mtetri e ad essa si affiancano un edificio piu alto (sul lato sinitro) ed uno più basso (sul lato destro). Con l'analisi svolta abbiamo studiato il comportamento dell'edificio in più ore della giornata e durante stagioni diverse. 


ORE 8:00

ESTATE 8limone.jpg

ORE 12:00

ESTATE 12limone.jpg

ORE 16:00

ESTATE 16limone.jpg


3D View 10.jpg



ORE 12:00

INVERNO 12limone_0.jpg

ORE 16:00

INVERNO 16limone_0.jpg


3D View 10 inverno.jpg



ORE 8:00

VENERDI 8limone_0.jpg

ORE 12:00

VENERDI 12limone.jpg


3D View 12 venerdi.jpg


ORE 16:00

VENERDI 16limone.jpg

The result of our study is:

WINTER _ The facades Northwest and Southwest, because of the unfavorable position and proximity to the other buildings, remain in the shade for most of the day. The front Northeast is irradiated only in the early morning light, unlike the Southeast who enjoys sunlight throughout the day.

SUMMER _ A Northwest the building can enjoy the sunshine from early afternoon until sunset, hours when the facades North-East and South-East are shaded. The proximity to the building on the left side creates shadows on the facade Southwest throughout the day.

In conclusion we can say that the more advantaged facade is the Southeast as it receives sunlight during the cold winter days and resulting instead cooler (because shaded) in summer. The lack of buildings on the southern front is in favor of such a result. As for the north solar radiation is unfavorable as it occurs only during times warmer summer (from 12 to 16). The lack of sunlight in the facade Southwest is for the winter a disadvantage, but the summer is rather advantageous.

Dallo studio effettuato è risultato che:

INVERNO _ Le facciate Nord- Ovest e Sud-Ovest, proprio per la posizione sfavorevole e per la vicinanza agli altri edifici, rimangono in ombra per gran parte della giornata. Il fronte Nord-Est è irraggiato solo nelle prime luci del mattino, a differenza del prospetto Sud-Est che gode di luce solare per tutto l'arco della giornata. 

ESTATE _ A Nord-Ovest le abitazioni possono godere della luce solare dal primo pomeriggio fino al tramonto, ore in cui le facciate Nord-Est e Sud-Est risultano ombreggiate. La vicinanza all'edificio sul lato sinistro genera ombre sulla facciata Sud-Ovest durante tutta la giornata.

A conclusione possiamo affermare che il fronte più avvantaggiato è quello Sud-Est in quanto riceve la luce solare durante le fredde giornate invernali, risultando invece più fresca (perchè ombreggiata) nel periodo estivo. La mancanza di edifici sul fronte Sud è a favore di tale risultato. 
Per quanto riguarda la parte Nord l'irraggiamento solare è sfavorevole in quanto si presenta solamente durante gli orari estivi più caldi (dalle 12 alle 16). La mancanza di luce solare nella facciata Sud-Ovest è per il periodo invernale una condizione sfavorevole, ma per quello estivo risulta invece vantaggiosa. 


Lun, 23/03/2015 - 17:25
Shading Analysis

Location: Via Enrico Cernuschi 9, ROME, IT.

Once started Vasari and opened a new file, you can change misure’s unite(“Project unite” command) under the Manage menu and set the location by clicking on “Location” in the Analyze tools.


Then you have to choice the area you want to study by typing the city name and, once found the exact location, clicking on “Import site image”


After you have imported the area, you can start modelling using the “Creat Mass” command and start drawing the perimeters of the building and extruding them. Once you finished to create and modified the volumes needed, you can click on the “Finish Mass” command.


Now, in order to study the shadings, we’ve to show the Sun path, activating it by clicking on the sun icon. Once the sun is switched on, we can activate the shading by clicking on the respective icon. We can now set the hour and the day of the sun so we can see the differents shadings generated by the daily light in different times.



Setting views

In order to get the needed views you have to click on the floor plan 2D site view in the Project browser menu; then by clicking on the Camera command you can place it as you wish, orienting the sight and choosing the deepness as requested.


After having placed the camera you can set the eye and target elevation by clicking on corresponding command in properties menu of the corrent view.


Chosen date: 21 March 2015

9:00 AM 


12:00 AM


3:00 PM


6:00 PM




The lighting proposed by Vasari reflected quite accurately the real shadows projected on the N/E (A Facade) and N/W (B Facade) facades by the sorrounding buildings. We can see that this two facades don’t get sunlight untill 3 pm, when the N/W is almost totally illuminated(excluding the projections from the balconies). At 6 pm the facade is hit mostly on his upper portion. As we could expect for a facade standing northwards, the A facade don’t get light directly all day long, but it gets it only undirectly by the opposite building’s front in morning hours ( 09-12 h).


Lun, 23/03/2015 - 17:04
